Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Intelligence essays

Intelligence essays The increasingly difficult life for low IQ people is not caused by high IQ people, but by other factors. Segregation and tension occur across IQ lines by the nature of humanity and not by the implications of high IQ people. Let's face it, life is tough for everyone regardless of his or her placement on the intelligence scale. You're too smart, too stupid, too beautiful, too ugly, too hard, too soft, too nice too mean; we've all heard it. Almost everyone can indicate some inherent trait that has made his or her life difficult. Individuals with a low IQ may point out that their low level of g has been the cause of problems in life. Intelligence researchers have found strong evidence that suggests a higher success rate for individuals of higher IQ. "A high IQ is an advantage in life because virtually all activities require some reasoning and decision-making. Conversely, a low IQ is often a disadvantage...there are many exceptions, but the odds for success in our society greatly favor individuals with higher IQs." (Gottfredson, page 14). Murray says, "It is better to be born smart and poor, than rich and stupid." With the constantly growing number of g-loaded tasks playing a more significant role in our daily routines, life may be increasingly difficult for low IQ people. "An individual's IQ, they found, is a better predictor of his prospects in life than his parents' wealth or education or all the other factors that taken together are called socioeconomic status." (Seebach - interpreting Murray's findings). Now that we've spotted a potential problem, we're going to want someone to blame for the increasingly difficult life of a low IQ person. Placing this fault on the high IQ people may feel like a good idea initially (revenge for the "brain" that always ruined the teacher's test curve in high school algebra class by scoring 100% on an exam that Pythagorean himself couldn't pass). However, it is simply not feasible to clai...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Absolute Beginner English Telling Time

Absolute Beginner English Telling Time Telling the time is a basic skill that most students will eagerly acquire. You will need to take some sort of clock into the room. The best clock is one that has been designed for teaching purposes, however, you can also just draw a clock face on the board and add various times as you go through the lesson. Many students might be used to a 24-hour clock in their native culture. To begin telling time, its a good idea to just go through the hours and make students aware of the fact that we use a twelve-hour clock in English. Write the numbers 1 - 24 on the board and the equivalent time in English, i.e. 1 - 12, 1 - 12. It is also best to leave out. a.m. and p.m. at this point. Teacher: (Take the clock and set it to a time on the hour, i.e. seven oclock) What time is it? Its seven oclock. (Model what time and oclock by emphasizing what time and oclock in the question and response. This use of accenting differing words with your intonation helps students learn that what time is used in the question form and oclock in the answer.) Teacher: What time is it? Its eight oclock. (Go through a number of different hours. Make sure to demonstrate that we use a 12-hour clock by pointing to a number above 12 such as 18 and saying Its six oclock.) Teacher: (Change the hour on the clock) Paolo, what time is it? Student(s): Its three oclock. Teacher: (Change the hour on the clock) Paolo, ask Susan a question. Student(s): What time is it? Student(s): Its four oclock. Continue this exercise around the room with each of the students. If a student makes a mistake, touch your ear to signal that the student should listen and then repeat his/her answer accenting what the student should have said. Part II: Learning a Quarter to, Quarter Past and Half Past Teacher: (Set the clock to a quarter to an hour, i.e. quarter to three) What time is it? Its a quarter to three. (Model to by accenting to in the response. This use of accenting differing words with your intonation helps students learn that to is used to express time before the hour.) Teacher: (Repeat setting the clock to a number of different quarters to an hour, i.e. quarter to four, five, etc.) Teacher: (Set the clock to a quarter past an hour, i.e. a quarter past three) What time is it? Its a quarter past three. (Model past by accenting past in the response. This use of accenting differing words with your intonation helps students learn that past is used to express time past the hour.) Teacher: (Repeat setting the clock to a number of different quarters past an hour, i.e. quarter past four, five, etc.) Teacher: (Set the clock to half past an hour, i.e. half past three) What time is it? Its half past three. (Model past by accenting past in the response. This use of accenting differing words with your intonation helps students learn that past is used to express time past the hour, specifically that we say half past an hour rather than half to an hour as in some other languages.) Teacher: (Repeat setting the clock to a number of different halves past an hour, i.e. half past four, five, etc.) Teacher: (Change the hour on the clock) Paolo, what time is it? Student(s): Its half past three. Teacher: (Change the hour on the clock) Paolo, ask Susan a question. Student(s): What time is it? Student(s): Its a quarter to five. Continue this exercise around the room with each of the students. Watch out for students using oclock improperly. If a student makes a mistake, touch your ear to signal that the student should listen and then repeat his/her answer accenting what the student should have said. Part III: Including the Minutes Teacher: (Set the clock to a minutes to or minutes past the hour) What time is it? Its seventeen (minutes) past three. Teacher: (Change the hour on the clock) Paolo, ask Susan a question. Student(s): What time is it? Student(s): Its ten (minutes) to five. Continue this exercise around the room with each of the students. Watch out for students using oclock improperly. If a student makes a mistake, touch your ear to signal that the student should listen and then repeat his/her answer emphasizing what the student should have said.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Leadership Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership Case Analysis - Essay Example he didn’t falter a bit when he told the men that the Japanese would attack the front lines and that it is going to be a long night.His effectiveness lies in his immediate action over a problem. When it comes to organizational Leadership, General Cummings is a seasoned person and it seems that no amount o f pressure would ruffle his feathers. He was only quite a bit peeved when found his coat dirty with mud after the storm which is an indication of his humanity. When it comes to developing people, he knows very well how to sharpen them by experience. He doesn’t spoon feed , mentor, or pat your back. On the contrary, he antagonizes and throws Hearns into situations that will challenge his weakness- emotions. This reflects that attitude not intelligence is valued in the battlefield. When it comes to delegation , it is very apparent that he delegates well since he can bark orders to any one with precision. Aside from this, In fact, he is very keen on details because he even knows almost all the equipment in the camp as well as the personlaities of people around him. One can see his planning skills when he sent the tanks to beef up the forces ahead of time since he alway s consider the worst to happen (n whether man-made or act of God). Communication skills is also a strength of the General. He manages by walking around and talking to people concerned. His hands-on leadership style with a charismatic tinge elicits respect , awe, and fear from among his men. General Cummings strength was his brilliance, courage , and experience that almost makes him complete. However, the end of the case ( or the story ) reveals that he has a weakness which was very crucial since it indirectly cost him Hearn’s life. He overlooked the verification of facts and reports that reached him. Since he is a man of action, his quick decision based on the immediate facts provided to him made him create the scenario he wants to believe in: that island is a stronghold of Japanese army.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Technological Innovations and the Business Strategy of BBC Essay

The Technological Innovations and the Business Strategy of BBC - Essay Example Over the years, the company grew from a single person entity to one that employs people in the thousands and spans across the globe in its operations. (Briggs, 1985) The BBC is well known for its record of impartiality and independence in reporting and coverage of news events. Though there has been some criticism in the recent past about the way in which it has handled some events, nonetheless, on the whole, the record of BBC has been relatively unblemished. The BBC is a pioneer in terms of launching a global news channel covering almost all regions in the world. To quote from the profile of BBC on its website, â€Å"The BBC is the largest broadcasting organization in the world. Its mission is to enrich peoples lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain. It is a public service broadcaster, established by a Royal Charter and funded by the license fee that is paid by UK households. The BBC uses the income from the license fee to provide services including 8 national TV channels plus regional programming, 10 national radio stations, 40 local radio stations and an extensive website.† (BBC, 2010) The business strategy of BBC is relatively straightforward. The primary revenue earner for BBC is through its license fee that averages around 145 GBP per year per household. This is the fee paid by individual households to receive the broadcast television in the UK. Though there is no fee to own a television in the UK, there is a fee to receive the cable TV. However, the world service of the BBC is funded by government and as the website puts it, â€Å"BBC World Service broadcasts to the world on radio, on TV and online, providing news and information in 32 languages. It is funded by a government grant, not from the license fee.† (BBC, 2010) The technological innovations that have been introduced by the BBC are to do with the re-launched news website that receives visitors in the millions. The BBC claims the site to be "Europe's most popular content-based site" and states that 13.2  million people in the UK visit the site's more than two million pages each day.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Understanding the Novel Housekeeping Essay Example for Free

Understanding the Novel Housekeeping Essay The novel entitled â€Å"Housekeeping† is written by one of the most famous and talented author, Marilynne Robinson. As one of the certified Pulitzer Prize-winning authors, Marilynne Robinson’s 1980 novel called the â€Å"Housekeeping† has been nominated for the category of Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, which later-on she also won for another novel entitled Gilead that paved the way for her Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award for best first novel. As of the present time, this novel continues to receive and gain broad recognitions and honors that commemorate the work and contribution of a great American author in the industry of publishing and American literary writing scene. In the year 2003, the Guardian unlimited, a British online site owned by Guardian Media Group, named the novel â€Å"Housekeeping† as one of their top 100 list of selection of greatest novels of all time. In addition to this, the Time Magazine, one of the giants in the publishing business, included the said novel of Marilynne Robinson â€Å"Housekeeping† in their TIME 100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005. This inclusion and recognition shows the sterling quality of the novel and its elements. In a sense, there are various reasons and apparent explanations as to how and why this novel of Marilynne Robinson continues to attract the interest of the readers and still remain as one of the ever significant stories that has been written. One of the better rationales is that â€Å"Housekeeping,† just like any other widely admired novels, is written with a very strong plot that is designed to directly present and depict a significant personality and character through the representation of Ruth, one of the leading characters in the novel. In this regard, this essay would directly draw a clear picture and discussion about the character of Ruth and her identity in the main narrative of the novel. In the novel, Ruth is mainly depicted and stood as a character which has a stong personality that is composed and firm despite the negative events that have happened in their family and between her and Lucille, who is her sister. Ruth is presented in the main narrative of the novel as a brave woman who is filled with hopes and beliefs with their family and their eccentric way of living. Set to live and grow-up with a dysfunctional family, where she and her sister, Lucille, are abandoned by their biological parents with their mother committing a suicide, it is observable that the presentation of Ruth in the novel is a paradigm that the author has used to illustrate specific characteristics of an individual who is brave enough to live and move on with what he or she believes is right. As for the own perception of Ruth, it is observable that staying and living under the eccentric way of life by their family is what makes her complete as a person and as a normal individual on this world. In respect to the representation of Ruth, it is apparent that the main narrative of the novel further strengthens the notion that Ruth, though has been through different pictures and stories of pain and difficulties with her experiences of a dysfunctional family, still has that belief about the primary stance and role of family to her life as a living entity in their community. As seen apparent to the novel’s story, Ruths standpoint is that her family is the primal basis that gives her that distinct identity as a normal entity in this world. Ruth believes that living and adhering to their unconventional family lifestyle, more especially according to the life of her Auntie, Sylvie, renders her the particular details as a living member of their society. Thus, unlike her sister, Lucile, Ruth takes pride in living her life according to the legacy of their family despite of all the difficulties and many questions that she has in mind. Despite of the many differences and misunderstandings that she has against her younger sibling, Lucille, she has remained to be a loving and caring older sister for Lucille. As seen apparent in the narrative of the novel, Ruth’s character is an example of a typical protective and concerned elder sister for Lucille where she has stood before her sister for security. Ruth also expressed her love for her younger sister through their shared collection of quality and happy moments spent together prior to the decision of Lucille to go the opposite way and live a conventional life with another family residing in town. In addition to this, Ruths character is also affectionate and emotional as she grieved with so much pain with the departure of her sister to live a different way of life. Moreover, it can also be said that Ruth, despite the characteristic of being brave and composed in pursuing and sticking with the what she believe is right, is a character filled with different confusions and questions which she tries to find specific answers and enlightenment for. As the main narrator of the novel, who tells mostly the story of her experiences from childhood up to womanhood, Ruth herself has numerous thoughts and issues that she can not even answer by her self. There are things and actions that she is seeing, more especially from the eccentric lifestyle of her Auntie Sylvie and her grandmother from the moment they are forsaken by their own parents. Thus, Ruth’s main personality and character is shaped by many of her own undertakings and events in her life that leads her to be coherent in such a way that she is independent to make any decisions that is based from her own way of thinking. As compared to her sister, Lucille, Ruth is more composed and firm as she refused to embrace the extensive influence of the outside forces such as the predominance of modern civilization and beliefs of many individuals that surrounds them. Ruth is a character in the novel which has played a rather distinct important role. She served as the narrator of the story and her viewpoint says the distinct taste of the novel and it is on her personality from which the story depends on. She has a little sister whom she grew up with and as she became nonetheless taller than the rest, there is the need for her sister Lucille to remove the heels of the shoes in order for her to be able to move more naturally and allow her to stand more normally. In this respect, it is seen that Marilynne Robinson, the author of the novel, has the similar characteristic where she remains taller than the rest but tries to remove the heels that sets her apart from the rest. More so, she tries to remove the false pretentions and high expectations which come from the current notions of fiction from the people. Another characteristic of Ruth in the story is her ability to follow and adopt a particular characteristic that is embodied in the values of her mother. According to one statement of Ruth in the novel, the requests of her mother to wait for her has â€Å"established in me the habit of waiting and expectation which make any present moment most significant for what it does not contain† (Robinson, 214). This particular characteristic of Ruth, as a character in the novel, has shown her to be a child patiently and dreamingly wishes of a parent who has abandoned her. As her mother left them in the care of one another, they have continuously and expectedly tried to contain all the hardships and patiently waited for something which they are unsure would come to them anymore. Works Cited Robinson, Marilynne. Housekeeping: A Novel. New York: St Martins Pr, 2004.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

My First Time on a Plane - Personal Narrative Essay -- Papers

My First Time on a Plane - Personal Narrative When I was seven years old I went on my very first holiday abroad, to America. I can remember waking up at Five o'clock in the morning to catch an early flight from Heathrow airport. I was so excited I forgot about the daunting effort of getting up so early. My Mum, Dad, Brother, grandparents and I set off on the long journey to the airport, then Orlando Florida. I remember the white taxi van used to transport us to the airport with its incredibly tiny seats, which made getting any sleep impossible. Sitting next to my brother, who was in a very irritable and annoying mood, made this slightly harder. There had been a major accident on the motorway that held me in suspense not knowing whether we would get there in time to catch the flight. When we finally arrived at the airport my brother was ordered to go and find a luggage trolley, which I remember he was very unenthusiastic about doing. The only part of checking in I can remember is when my Gran couldn't understand a word the Pakistani steward said only made worse by my Gran's hearing impediment. The eleven-hour flight over to America was one of the most exciting parts of the holiday for me. Trying to work out how to put the seat belt into the little lock contraption puzzled me for a while. Even though it was so long ago the thought of playing games on the plane with the onboard games console still excites me today. After about five hours of exploring the onboard entertainment, it all got a little boring. So I turned to looking out the window and asking my granddad what was below us for entertainment. I remember asking my gran... ...hird day my mum insisted that we visit sea world that you can see back in the U.K. but we went anyway and saw a huge whale in a really small tank. But we were assured 'he loves it here'. I was not convinced. The rest of the holiday we spent in Miami. When we arrived in Miami the first place we went to was Palm Beach, which was slightly better than the littered beaches at home. The sand was bright yellow and the water was really blue. Miami, despite its much-hyped reputation is a very strange place. Before I knew it, the holiday was over and we were travelling back to Britain. The eleven-hour journey flew past. When we arrived back in Britain, I didn't know what day it was. So we all slept continuously for three days. The holiday was the best holiday abroad I have ever had and would really like to go back again.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Conforming to General Health, Safety and Welfare in the Workplace

1.1 When first attending a construction site, new work operatives will be given an induction so that all they have a clear understanding of their responsibilities along with that of the company. This site induction is specific to the site and provides you with information on the current hazards of the site and tells you about the site rules and regulations you must comply to. Information may include:emergency evacuation & fire procedure safety signage †¢ risk assessments †¢ safe systems of work †¢ organisational procedures †¢ use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) †¢ COSHH (Hazardous Substances) †¢ storage requirements †¢ control measures †¢ waste disposal procedures †¢ reporting procedures site facilities.1.2 The company shall issue you with the appropriate PPE, the basic provision would consist of safety footwear and safety helmet to protect your feet and head respectively from falling objects, Hi visibility clothing to been clearly seen. These are the basic PPE normally worn when on site in accordance with legislation and organisational requirements. The work task may require addition protection as ear defenders / plugs, gloves, safety glasses, masks, respirators , handling equipment.1.3 Health, Safety, Warning and Information signs found throughout worksite and identified as below:Fire equipmentLocation of fire fighting equipment Mandatory Must doA course of action which must be taken Prohibition must notBehaviours that are prohibited Hazard DangerDanger, warning and caution Safe condition InformationEscape routes and safety equipment1.4 Collective protection is equipment which can protect more than one person and, once properly installed or erected, does not require any action by them to make sure it will work. Examples which prevent a fall include, scaffolds, tower scaffolds and cherry pickers which have guard rails and equipment which minimises the consequences of a fall, include nets and airbags. Collecti ve measures have several advantages. They are easier to use, protect everyone at risk in the work area and need less effort in terms of maintenance and Industrial safety helmets, bump caps, hairnets and fire fighters' helmets user training. Personal measures have disadvantages – they require a high level of training and maintenance and they only protect the user.Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) The needs for PPE are assessed by a person who is competent to judge whether other methods of risk control can offer better protection of safety and health than the Eye protection: Safety spectacles, goggles, face screens, face shields, visors. HazardsChemical or metal splash, dust, projectiles, gas and vapour, radiation Head and neck: Industrial safety helmets, bump caps, hairnets and fire fighters' helmets. Hazards Impact from falling or flying objects, risk of head bumping, hair getting tangled in machinery, chemical drips or splash, climate or temperatureEars: Earplugs, earmuff s, semi-insert/canal caps Hazards Noise – a combination of sound level and duration of exposure, very high-level sounds are a hazard even with short duration Choose protectors that reduce noise to an acceptable level, while allowing for safety and communicationRespiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) Used when you might still breathe in contaminated air, despite other controls you have in place e.g. extraction systems When there is short-term or infrequent exposure and using other controls is impractical Whilst you are putting other controls in placeWhen you need to provide RPE for safe exit in an emergency When you need to provide RPE for emergency work or when there is a temporary failure of controlsLocal Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) in your workplace should carry away any harmful dust, mist, fumes or gas in the air to protect your health: It needs to be the right type for the job. It needs installing properly in the first place. It needs regular checking and maintenance through out the year. It needs testing thoroughly at least once every year. It needs an indicator to show it’s working properly.1.5 When carrying out your daily work you must adhere to health and safety measures in accordance with the given instructions which could include safety data sheets, collective protective equipment, signs, notices, barriers, dust and fume ventilation.1.6 Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH), Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR), Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations, Reach. Codes of Practise. Health & Safety signs / notices placed throughout the worksite.1.7 Having your working area risk assessed, method statements produced, safety & warning signs displayed, all relevant to the occupational area will help the worker carry out their job activities safely and correctly to reduce health & safety risks to himself and those operating within the area.1.8To comply with control measures that have been identified by risk assessments and safe systems of work. You would be required to wear the appropriate PPE, to read and follow safe systems procedures, comply to any health, safety, information and warning signs placed throughout the working site.2.1Following organisational procedures in the workplace, any hazards created by change in circumstances should be reported, these may include a change in weather if working outside such as if rain or frost may make working site areas hazardous with possible slipping on the changing surface area. Staff absence placing undue workload . Work equipment not operating as expected such as dust extraction not clearing air as normal.2.2Typical hazards associated with your working environment could include moving and placing tools and materials in the work area safely, so that they are not causing a trip hazard, obstructing or blocking fire exit doorways. Tools and equipment have been checked for any damage prior their use in conjunction with the correct PPE being worn to avoid the dangers they are prescribed to protect you from. The use of hazardous substances hold its own risks to the user and the environment. users should not leave such substances unattended which could cause harm to other if inadvertently exposed to them. Correct use while wearing the PPE in accordancewith manufactures instructions and following H&S regulations for storage and disposal.2.3 /2.4 http://www.hse.gov.uk/construction/lwit/risk-behaviours-tool.htmFall from a ladder Fall through a fragile roof Lifting operations Struck by plant Overturning plant Fall from scaffolding Fall through a roof void Asphyxiation poisoning Crushed by falling excavation MWEP crushing entrapmenthttp://www.hse.gov.uk/construction/lwit/safety-risks.htmExposure to Asbestos Manual Handling Exposure to excessive vibration Exposure to Sillica Exposure to excessive noise3.2 To ensure safe working on site, you will be issued with various informat ion documents in the form of method statements, risk assessments, training notes, manufacturer’s instructions, control measures, reporting procedures etc. once you have read them you will be required to sign as a record for the employer that you have been provided with the documents, have read and understood the information. Therefore if there is any part of the information which you are not unable to interpret properly or understand you must ask for an explanation before signing. Once you have signed you must always comply with the information and instructions provided to ensure safe working practise.3.2 If during the working day there are issues which could compromise health & safety or you could provide information which can help improve the safe working environment or practises then you should feedback this to your supervisor, manager or safety officer.3.3Welfare facilities are provided on site for the benefit of all, so that you may wash and eat in clean and healthy surr oundings. It is each and every person’s responsibility to keep these areas clean and tidy for hygiene purpose. Also if you find that the washroom hygiene items needs replenishing then this should be reported at your earliest opportunity.3.4It is important that PPE is safely stored so that it don’t get damaged when not in use. This applies for any safety control equipment that is not in use is checked and then put in away in safe storage area in accordance with manufactures instructions.3.5There are company policies for the management of all waste materials on site prior to them being taken for recycling. The waste materials are separated and placed into their allocated waste bins. eg timber, metals, chemicals, plastics, cardboard and general waste. The bins are emptied frequently to ensure they don’t over fill and become a safety risk.3.6If a minor accident (minor cuts, abrasions, splinters) occur while carrying out your work duties then this would be dealt with by the company’s first aider and the incident recorded in the accident book.In the case of a accident being a near miss then this must be reported to your supervisor. The incident will be recorded and a new risk assessment conducted to help to reduce the risk of this accident re-occuring.If there is a accident that is much more serious then the emergency services my need to be called upon. In this case work within the area of the accident would have to cease and the Health and Safety Executive informed. They may then have to conduct an investigation and take statements and could even halt work on the site.Should there be a fire within the vicinity of your work, then you will need to raise the alarm immediately and evacuate the site in an orderly fashion to their fire assembly point, where a resister of all personnel whom have checked in onsite will need to be accounted for.3.7 / 3.8 The chart below shows the types of fire extinguishers, their colour code identification and t heir uses on different type of fires.British Standards *BS EN:2 1992 Classification of fires (ISBN 0 580 21356 0): Class A fires involving solid materials, usually of an organic nature, in which combustion normally takes places with the formation of glowing embers Class B fires involving liquids or liquefiable solidsClass C fires involving gases Class D fires involving metals

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Project Charter Essay

Business Need: Ohio Department of Health and Human Services (ODHS) has 15,000 state and county agency employees in 88 counties in Ohio. ODHS has a network infrastructure that ranges to high quality in some regions within the system to very poor quality in other regions. Additionally, resources are limited due to a high turnover rate of existing employees causing support for the network to be handled by outside labor. Budget is also limited. To improve the infrastructure, ODHS has asked The Office of Network Support (ONS) to investigate upgrading the ODHS email system. ONS is responsible for coordinating software upgrade and updates and modifications from the Columbus, Ohio location ONS will manage the upgrade for ODHS to all agencies within the 88 counties of Ohio either by converting from the current e-mail software from Global Upgrade 7.0 to version 9.0. The decision will be made on the basis of cost, staffing and various incentives from the vendors. Currently there is a 20% cost increase with the Globalupgrades 9.0 software, but this cost will be offset by increased productivity and cost savings through incentives offered by the vendor Project Objectives: ONS will investigate, design and develop an upgraded email system providing research, expertise and installation assistance to improve the network infrastructure to improve communication between the 15,000 ODHS.Approach: Assign both external and internal personnel to assist in research to determine if updating to Globalupgrades 9.0 or another vendor is more cost effective and if incentives offered will give the advantages needed to improve the email system. Narrow research to at least two vendor contenders to use for the upgrade based on incentives, costs, and reliability and expansion packages. Select one vendor meeting all criteria and manage the  design, development and installation of the email upgrade. Testing of email upgrade through use of ODHS user group Implement email upgrade Project Team Members: The key members of the project are: Project Sponsor: Peter Parker: Director of Office of Network Support Project Manager: Lavina Barry for the Office of Network Support, ODHS. Key PM for the E-mail Upgrade Project Engineer: Diana Prince, ONS Software Engineer with specific experience in implementing and administering various email systems Globalcom Representative: Steve Rogers, Globalcom’s sales representative and chief point of contact for the State User Representative: Linda Lee Danvers, support specialist within the ODHS, serving as liaison between the ODHS User Group community and the project team ODHS User Group: A number of ODHS employees that are used to test system upgrades before implementation Team Members will be assigned by the project manager based on their expertise, skills and abilities. The team will be comprised of members from functional areas within the company that functional managers will provide with team members dedicating 100% of their time during the duration of the project. Project Mile stones: Deliverables Description Email Software UpdateInstallation of upgrade software Email System TestingTest system with user groups Email System ImplementationGo-live with support and consultation Project Constraints/Risks: Cost for the upgrade package will be a factor because of a possible increase in cost over the current system. With a high employee turnover, experts will be hired in-house on a temporary basis, selected by the project manager, to work on the project. One risk that may occur is the system being taken down for periods of time, disabling communication agency wide. This risk will be adverted by working on the system during downtime  and weekend time, with advance notice to forewarn all employees, including telecommuting users. Project Manager Authority and Responsibilities 1. Staffing – the project manager will determine the skill requirements for the Email upgrade project and provide them, along with specific team member names, by February 28, 2014. 2. Communications – status reports will be provided to the Sponsor bi-monthly. 3. Planning/Tracking – this project will be tracked using our in-house project management software. 4. Document/System Access – the project manager is authorized access to any company document or system in the pursuit of this project completion.5. The project manager will provide a project plan to the Sponsor no later than March 1, 2014. The project plan will include a description of the work, schedules, budget, spending plan, resource utilization charts and risk management plans. Support Requirements from Other Organizations: The Email Upgrade Project is set as a high priority for ODS. Functional managers will provide all the support needed to the project manager. Any scheduling conflicts will be resolved by the CEO of ODHS. Due to the limited resources available in-house, some labor will be contracted with outside vendors for the installation and testing. Vendor will support the project by providing staffing from their agency as well, number of staff and hours to be agreed to in a subcontract agreement.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Leni Riefenstahl essays

Leni Riefenstahl essays Leni Riefenstahls contribution to the German society and culture during the Nazi Regime was a major one. From the early years of her career as a dancer and actress in the immensly popular mountain genre (Berg) films, to her later contributions to the German media through her productions such as Das Blaue Licht (The Blue Light) and Tiefland (Lowland) and her massive film epics made under the height of Nazi power, Triumpf Des Willens (Triumph Of The Will) and Olympia, Leni Riefenstahl entertained the German Public. Although there is no doubt that Riefenstahls later films were of enormous benefit to the Nazis as film propaganda, Leni Riefenstahls contribution to the vast masses of German society was far more pronounced than any esteemed political power under the Nazi Party. Leni Riefenstahl was born on the 22nd of August as Helena Amalie Riefenstahl. The Riefenstahl children were shielded from the impact of the first world war and the hardship that followed, as the family was fairly wealthy. This perhaps provides an explanation for the absence of realism in her films. Leni performed her first solo dance recital at the age of twenty one in October 1923. After her second recital, the great theatrical director, Max Reinhart signed Leni up for a contract with him, performing at several dances at his theatres and later touring Europe. However Riefenstahls dancing career was cut short in 1925 when she cracked her knee cap. Her turn to film was a direct result of this injury. Riefenstahl was waitng at the station for a train to her doctors appointment when she an advertisement for the film Berg Des Shicksals (Mountain Of Destiny). Intrigued, she saw the film and was so hugely impressed with it that she approached the director, Dr Arnold Fanck and persuaded him to allow her to appear in his next film. Fanck set to work and wrote his next film, Der Heilige Berg (The Holy Mountain) especially for Leni Rie...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Two Methods for Supercooling Water

Two Methods for Supercooling Water You can cool water below its stated freezing point and then crystallize it into ice on command. This is known as supercooling. Here are step-by-step instructions for supercooling water at home. Method #1 The simplest way to supercool water is to chill it in the freezer. Place an unopened bottle of distilled or purified water (e.g., with reverse osmosis) in the freezer. Mineral water or tap water will not supercool very well because they contain impurities that can lower the freezing point of the water or else serve as nucleation sites for crystallization.Allow the bottle of water to chill, undisturbed, for about 2-1/2 hours. The exact time needed to supercool the water varies depending on the temperature of your freezer. One way to tell your water is supercooled is to put a bottle of tap water (impure water) into the freezer with the bottle of pure water. When the tap water freezes, the pure water is supercooled. If the pure water also freezes, you either waited too long, somehow disturbed the container, or else the water was insufficiently pure.Carefully remove the supercooled water from the freezer.You can initiate crystallization into ice in several different ways. Two of the most entertaining ways to cause the water to freeze are to shake the bo ttle or to open the bottle and pour the water onto a piece of ice. In the latter case, the water will often freeze backward from the ice cube back into the bottle. Method #2 If you dont have a couple of hours, there is a quicker way to supercool water. Pour about 2 tablespoons of distilled or purified water into a very clean glass.Place the glass in a bowl of ice such that the level of the ice is higher than the level of water in the glass. Avoid spilling any ice into the glass of water.Sprinkle a couple of tablespoons of salt onto the ice. Do not get any of the salt in the glass of water.Allow about 15 minutes for the water to cool below freezing. Alternatively, you can insert a thermometer into the glass of water. When the temperature of the water is below freezing, the water has been supercooled.You can make the water freeze by pouring it over a piece of ice or by dropping a small piece of ice into the glass.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Salvador Dal's life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Salvador Dal's life - Essay Example The essay "Salvador Dal's life" examines the life of Salvador Dali. Salvador Dali was born in Spain in the year 1904. His life was quite traumatic, his elder brother died before he was born. This was one point that always affected him in one way or the other throughout his life. His parents thought of him as the re-embodiment of his dead brother. His feelings with regards to his own self courtesy his brother’s eyes made him feel fascinated which was related to his rustiness and decomposition. Thus the same had quite an effect on the paintings that he drew, which were more or less of dead corpses or insects for that matter. To talk about his student life, he was a weak one. However he knew that he possessed something extraordinary which others lacked in his age. He was there to bring about a change. It was in the year 1917 when his father organized his first exhibition that he came to the forefront. In five years time, Salvadore Dali was being hailed at the Academia de San Fern ando in Madrid, Spain. After this he felt very much in love with Cubism that more or less was visible courtesy his paintings. It was in the year 1929 when a couple of significant happenings took place in Dali’s life. He met Gala Eluard who was the wife of the French poet Paul Eluard; which ultimately made the two of them very close to each other. Also, he joined the Paris Surrealists, however achieving these two things had a price to pay on his part as well. His father turned his back on him and left him homeless.