Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Intelligence essays

Intelligence essays The increasingly difficult life for low IQ people is not caused by high IQ people, but by other factors. Segregation and tension occur across IQ lines by the nature of humanity and not by the implications of high IQ people. Let's face it, life is tough for everyone regardless of his or her placement on the intelligence scale. You're too smart, too stupid, too beautiful, too ugly, too hard, too soft, too nice too mean; we've all heard it. Almost everyone can indicate some inherent trait that has made his or her life difficult. Individuals with a low IQ may point out that their low level of g has been the cause of problems in life. Intelligence researchers have found strong evidence that suggests a higher success rate for individuals of higher IQ. "A high IQ is an advantage in life because virtually all activities require some reasoning and decision-making. Conversely, a low IQ is often a disadvantage...there are many exceptions, but the odds for success in our society greatly favor individuals with higher IQs." (Gottfredson, page 14). Murray says, "It is better to be born smart and poor, than rich and stupid." With the constantly growing number of g-loaded tasks playing a more significant role in our daily routines, life may be increasingly difficult for low IQ people. "An individual's IQ, they found, is a better predictor of his prospects in life than his parents' wealth or education or all the other factors that taken together are called socioeconomic status." (Seebach - interpreting Murray's findings). Now that we've spotted a potential problem, we're going to want someone to blame for the increasingly difficult life of a low IQ person. Placing this fault on the high IQ people may feel like a good idea initially (revenge for the "brain" that always ruined the teacher's test curve in high school algebra class by scoring 100% on an exam that Pythagorean himself couldn't pass). However, it is simply not feasible to clai...

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