Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Means of Transport Essay

Along History, people have had the necessity and the curiosity of moving and changing from some places to others, and in this sense means of transport have played an important role. Nowadays, there is a great variety of means of transport and all of them have advantages and disadvantages. When we have to choose a mean of transport we usually take into account distance, speed, comfort and cost. But I would like to focus the discussion on transport in our cities and the question is: What do you think is better: to use public or private transport? Regarding private transport, I think that the car is the king. Cars provide autonomy and they are seen as being more convenient and reliable. They also provide access to more destinations than public transport. Besides, in another way, cars are seen to confer prestige and other socially desirable attributes. But, on the contrary cars are expensive to support. see more:public transport essay Owing a car means spending a lot of money in a garage, an insurance, fuel (petrol) and tax. In addition, the main problem is that cars pollute very much and this is a problem which affects us all, car owners and non-car owners. In opposite of this, I think that nowadays we can find very modern public transports as the tube, the tram, High Speed Train which are more ecological; they use less energy and make easier the traffic through the cities, among other advantages. Besides, in modern cities, bicycles are being introduced as a public transport because they are more efficient than some public transports in some conditions, as speed, flexibility and energy saving. But I wonder, is public transport really cheaper and more efficient? Is it promoted enough by governments? We should think about this, because it seems a contradiction. If you have seen the last news in Madrid, Barcelona and other big cities, the governments are asking people to use public transport because the level of pol lution is very high. But, on the other hand, governments promote the sale of cars because they consider it is necessary to help car industry because of the economical crisis.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Curriculum Development for Small Group Esl Essay

I. Description of Learners This private tutoring course has been developed for three elementary school girls, ages 8 – 11. They are sisters, recent immigrants from Saudi Arabia, who will be living and attending school in the U.S. for approximately two years. These students have been assigned a private English language tutor by Cartus Intercultural Language Solutions on behalf of Chevron Corporation, as part of their family’s transfer package. The students have a language background in Arabic, which is the primary language spoken in their home. They each attend a small, private, international school, where their teachers allow them certain â€Å"ESL modifications†. Information gathered from these students’ needs assessment evaluations (to be discussed in section three) showed them to be in the early production stage of English language development. They have limited listening and speaking proficiency, a firm grasp of the Latin alphabet, and the ability to read and write at about a kindergarten level. The students were very hesitant to speak English initially, which made assessment difficult. II. Course Rationale Cartus’ language trainers develop individualized programs to meet the needs of each participant, based on the results of the initial needs assessment process. Language trainers design programs for such practical applications as function-specific skills and vocabulary and conversational proficiency in order to increase your participant’s competency and confidence. Every aspect of the training program is customized. Considering this scenario, there is no standardized curriculum. Once students’ needs have been assessed, and reachable goals have been determined, then materials must be purchased in order to meet course objectives. The primary stakeholder is the children’s father, the students themselves are the secondary stakeholders, and their elementary teachers could be considered as tertiary stakeholders. III. Needs Analysis Cartus leaves analysis and evaluation up to the individual language instructor. An interview was conducted with the father over the phone to determine his goals for each child. During this conversation he also provided insight into each child’s personality and individual English proficiency. It was then discovered that a previous trainer had conducted an English language assessment while the children were still in Saudi Arabia. This assessment can be seen in Appendix 1. Considering the results of the previous assessment, the instructor conducted one on one interviews with each child trying to gauge their levels of proficiency in the following areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The instructor sought to identify any gaps between what students are able to do and what they are required to do at school. Low beginning level questions, such as the ones listed below, were asked in order to define both preliteracy and literacy skills the students possessed. These initial questions were asked orally. How many brothers do you have? How many sisters do you have? What is the name of your teacher? What is the name of your baby sister? How many fingers do you have? What is your favorite toy? In addition, during the course of the program, one of the children’s teachers was consulted in order to identify more specific goals. IV. Goals and Objectives The students’ father is the primary determiner of their educational goals. He stated, â€Å"They each need to be able to read passages at a faster rate and be able to speak and conversate.† (sic) In order to achieve these goals, the instructor took into account the students’ needs and abilities and set the following objectives to meet the father’s fairly broad goal: * Know the names and sounds of all the consonants and vowels * Understand phonics concepts such as consonant combinations * Follow along, reading, and summarizing simple stories with pictures * Demonstrate understanding of everyday vocabulary * Follow simple oral instructions * Demonstrate understanding of the most fundamental, specialized vocabulary in content areas (e.g., shapes, colors, alphabet, numerals, animals) * Understand nouns, verbs, and punctuation * Understand singular and plural * Understand common and proper nouns * Understand simple past, present, and future tenses. V. Course content Lessons are conducted in the students’ home for three hours four days a week. The instructor has purchased all study materials and supplies to be used for the program. The materials are kept at the students’ home for them to use on their own over the weekend. Occasionally a student will have a homework assignment that needs to be addressed by the language instructor. In those instances the subject matter is incorporated into the curriculum and each student will learn key aspects of the material in a situational capacity. Although the students are of varying ages, due to their intimacy and language background, lessons are often conducted as a small group. It has been established that they challenge one another to speak English and are competitive when it comes to reading and responding to questions in English. They have a positive effect on one another, so the occasional situational content can be either elaborated upon or simplified as needed. Over the first months of the program, lessons were focused on advancing the students from the silent period to initial stages of speech. The students were introduced to concepts of consonants, vowels, and phonics before additional topics were explored. Once students began to speak and read with increasing frequency, they began reading sentences and discussing stories. Recently they have been able to volunteer information about themselves, their day at school, and other activities. Below are examples of lessons on vowel sounds, consonant blends, rhyming, and reading VI. MaterialsThe instructor has purchased compatible study materials to be used and shared by all of the girls. There is no one overaching core book, rather many workbooks, puzzles, games, and story books are used throughout the lessons. In addition to some of the worksheets shown above, those materials include the following: This book introduces consonant combinations such as â€Å"sl†, â€Å"st†, and â€Å"sk†. Students read the instructions and follow the instructions to fill in the blank, match sentences to corresponding pictures, and fill in crossword puzzles. This book introduces consonant combinations such as â€Å"sl†, â€Å"st†, and â€Å"sk†. Students read the instructions and follow the instructions to fill in the blank, match sentences to corresponding pictures, and fill in crossword puzzles. This phonetic puzzle reinforces students’ understanding of long and short vowel sounds, and is also used to increase vocabulary. This phonetic puzzle reinforces students’ understanding of long and short vowel sounds, and is also used to increase vocabulary. This pack of cards is used to refresh student’s memory of past lessons, and also to make short sentences or phrases. This pack of cards is used to refresh student’s memory of past lessons, and also to make short sentences or phrases. These beginning reading books provide pictoral cues to accompany the sentences. Students are able to recognize animals and food in the books and learn their English names. They are also able to practice phonetic reading skills. These beginning reading books provide pictoral cues to accompany the sentences. Students are able to recognize animals and food in the books and learn their English names. They are also able to practice phonetic reading skills. Magnetic letters are used to create words and fascilitate reading phonetically. Students make rhyming words and create new words by adding â€Å"sneaky silent e† to the ends of short vowel sound words. Magnetic letters are used to create words and fascilitate reading phonetically. Students make rhyming words and create new words by adding â€Å"sneaky silent e† to the ends of short vowel sound words. VII. AssessmentBecause these students are not graded or scored, their knowledge and ability must be assessed in less structured, more organic ways. The students attend English language school every day and have certain anxieties in regard to tests and quizzes. Assessment is performed during every lesson to determine what tools and materials are meeting the students’ needs, as well as how the students respond to the materials. The students’ father, as well as comments from classroom teachers provide vital information that the language instructor uses to assess the students, to inform future lesson content, and to raise the bar for students’ objectives.Students are on a break for the holidays, but during their last lesson they were asked some of the following questions:What is a noun?Can you each name three common nouns?What is a proper n oun? How do you write a proper noun?If one is a â€Å"fox†, what are two called?If one is a â€Å"foot†, what are two called?Can you name three words that rhyme with â€Å"cat†?Can you name three words that start with â€Å"sk† like â€Å"skip†?The word â€Å"dime†, does it have a short or long vowel sound?What gives it that sound?How much is a dime worth?What is the opposite of â€Å"up†?What is the opposite of â€Å"hot†?If your body needs food you are _______If your body needs water you are _______Their answers were used to set homework assignments and to establish new goals once lessons resume in January.Observation and interview results have indicated that the students are progressing well into â€Å"high beginner proficiency† and are beginning to understand language and use it in a limited capacity. Typically, they memorize words and phrases and can comprehend and utilize language that they havebeen taught. The curriculum focuses on applying literacy skills to the development of new knowledge. In second language acquisition, social language usually precedes academic language development.Appendix 1. References Dept. of Education, State of Tennessee. 2005. ESL Curriculum Standards: Proficiency Levels. Retrieved December 22, 2012, from Cartus, 2012 Intercultural and Language Training Worldwide. Retrieved December 22, 2012, from www.cartus.comFerlazzo, L., and K. Hull Sypnieski. 2012. The ESL/ELL Teacher’s Survival Guide. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.FlashKids Editors, 2010. Phonics Blends. U.S. FlashKids Books.Magnetic Letters, 2012, Lakeshore Learning Materials.Richards, J.C. 2001. Curriculum development in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Sight Words, 2012, Lakeshore Learning MaterialsWho Lives at the Pond? Parents. Minibook. Activities: Science & Nature: Ages 3-6. Retrieved December 22, 2012 from Worksheets for Young ESL Learners. Retrieved December 22 from 2012, Vowel Sounds Match Ups,

Monday, July 29, 2019

Soap Lab

The goal of this laboratory project was to test which ingredient (fat oil) makes for the best soap using the properties of fats/ oils. Another goal was to test the soap, detergents, and their waste water to decide which is the most effect eve and environmentally friendly. The group was also to determine what was causing t he scum after washing and figure out a solution to stop it. Experimental Design To achieve the above goals, four different types of soaps and two detergents were made with certain ingredients and the desirable properties were taken onto account.The waste water of each soap and detergent was titrated to determine en how the waste water would affect the environment. To make four different types o pop, we used ;o oils, vegetable oil and olive oil, and two fats, shortening an d lard. 10 ml of the oils and log of the fat were obtained in a mill beaker. 15 ml of 6 M sodium hydroxide and about 1 ml of glycerol were added to each ingredient drop by drop then mixed thoroughl y with a glass rod. The solution was then heated with a heating plate to boiling until it became pasty.After the pas tee cooled, 50 ml of saturated sodium chloride solution and ice was mixed into t he solution. The soap was then filtered using suction filtration and washed with t ml portions of cold water. Each filtrate was saved separately. Two methods ere used for making detergents. The first method required 4 ml of laurel alcohol t o be placed in a mill beaker. While stirring, 2 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid w added to the beaker. While to mixture sat for 10 minutes another mill BEA Kerr was filled with ice, log of sodium chloride, and water until the total volume w as 75 ml.Then, in a ml beaker, 5 ml of 6 M sodium hydroxide and 10 ml of watt were mixed. Four to five drops of phenolphthalein to the sodium hydroxide solution. After the 10 minutes, the sodium hydroxide solution was added to t he sulfuric caudally alcohol mixture until the pink color produced by the honorableness faded. The solution was poured into the saltwater bath an stirred until the clumps were broken up. The second detergent was made AC Roding to method II. 5 ml of laurel alcohol was carefully added to 5 ml of concentrate sulfuric acid.In another beaker, 3 drops Of phenolphthalein was added to 10 ml of 6 M Noah. Then, the acidic solution of laurel alcohol was added to the Noah solution with constant stirring until the pink color faded. Both detergents were e filtered using vacuum filtration and saved for the following weeks tests. The following week, solubility, cleaning, and lathering tests were performed o determine which soap and detergent cleaned the best. The wastewater WA s also analyzed from the processes of making the soaps and detergents.In addition, the contaminants and the environmental impact of the wastewater were identified deed. After these tests were conducted, the group had to decide which soap or detergent would be best for the environmental group to use. To test the solubility of each soap and detergent, appeased clumps of each were added to ml of water, acetone, an ethyl acetate. To test the cleaning abilities of each soap and detergent, a wet paper towel was used with samples of each soap and detergent to clean a dirty spot he lab counter. Cleaning abilities were measured by the amount of residue a ND dirt left behind.Lathering of the soap and detergents were tested by adding Pease zed clumps of each to water and determining how many bubbles were produced. The more bubbles that were produced, the better the lathering was. To test the contaminants and environmental impact of the wastewater we used titration. Sing 5 ml filtrate of our vacuumed filtering and 45 ml of H2O the group first tested t pH of each filtrate. If a pH over 7 was found the group slowly added HCI and t drops were counted by a sensor and the initial and final volumes were also re order from the burette. If a pH under 7 was found, then Noah was added to the filter ate.The mos t environmentally friendly wastewater was determined based on the volume of iterant added. A lower volume of iterant was more desirable because it me ant that the wastewater could be more easily neutralized. The final week, the best soap's and detergent's solubility was tested in different types of water. Well water, pond water, and tap water are the waters that were used. Then, the pond water and well water were tested for contaminant s. If the water contained calcium ions, DEED was added to the water to get rid of them he water was acidic, the base Noah was added to neutralize the water.

Strategic Public Relations Plan for Tesco Assignment

Strategic Public Relations Plan for Tesco - Assignment Example An application of SOSTAC is applied here to Tesco. SOSTAC is a strategic marketing process introduced by Paul R. Smith (1990). This is being made a model in marketing throughout the business world. It has many features that involve SWOT, 5Ps, Marketing Mix, and other marketing tools. TESCO sees to it that it helps British shopping public. Tesco aims to make shopping simpler, more convenient and affordable for the customers. If these issues are directly addressed, customers reward the company with their loyalty. The company aims to communicate to the customers through its many subsidiaries, benefiting customers wherever they shop. Consumers have an easy way of switching between stores, that is, they choose to shop in a different store from one month to the next. They have a wide range of retailers to choose from including Wall Mart/Asda, Saisbury, Morrison, Waitrose, M&S, Somerfield, Aldi, Lidl and Netto, other smaller supermarkets, Costco and Makro, the Co-Ops, Symbol groups, and thousands of independent retailers. (Talking Tesco) TESCO then is in a very stiff competition. The management has to apply an effective PR strategy to cope with the challenges. Everyday too, the organization has to apply innovations to its various marketing infrastructures to be able to satisfy customers. Application of SOSTAC starts w... situation, the question that needs to be asked is "Where are we now" This means analyzing the entire organization, on how it has gone through after years of operation. Situation After its founding in 1919 by Jack Cohen, then the first Tesco store opened in 1929 in Burnt Oak, Edgware, North London, the organisation has grown into a large business venturing not only on food but also on electrical goods, clothes and other services such as insurance, banking, etc. It has 30 distribution centres, of which six are dedicated to non-food and clothing. It is now the largest online grocery shopping service in the world. Fourth biggest online retailer in the UK, behind Amazon, Dell and Argos. Its revenues grew by 29.2% in 2007., the online shopping alternative accounts for 66.2% of all UK online food and grocery shoppers. ( The 3,262 stores wordwide go through multiple formats including: Extra, Superstore, Metro, Express, and Fresh and Easy. Tesco is now the leading retailer in the UK with about 30% of the total UK grocery market, and the largest food retailers in the world employing about 318,300 people. Tesco 2007 profits exceeded 2.55 billion. ( Marketing Mix applied on Tesco The Marketing Mix model (also known as the 4 P's) is used by marketers as a tool to assist in defining the marketing strategy. Marketing managers use this method to attempt to generate the optimal response in the target market by blending 4 (or 5, or 7) variables in an optimal way. It is important to understand that the Marketing Mix principles are controllable variables. The Marketing Mix can be adjusted on a frequent basis to meet the changing needs of the target group and the other dynamics of the marketing environment. (12 Manage website) PRODUCT The

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Construction Industry in Sultanate of Oman Essay

Construction Industry in Sultanate of Oman - Essay Example The country’s many construction projects include the tourism projects, private and public commercial buildings. Economic report shows that the industry grew from RO 349 Million in the year 2006 to RO 470.7 million in 2007(Oxford Business Group 2007: 110). It is expected that the industry will continue to grow because of government support. The industry plays a great part in the economy of the country. Apart from the revenue generated by the industry, it has improved the living standards of many individuals by creating employment. The nature of construction varies according to the projects. For instance, construction activities include building infrastructure that support different modes of transport such as railways, sea and air. The nature of construction also includes the real estates. The construction processes involves three parties who are the contractors, consultants, and clients. A contractor is the person who plans and coordinates all the activities in construction sites. His role entails ensuring that projects are completed within the specific time frame and budget. They also ensure that construction activities are aligned with the country’s regulations. Consultants are those who analyze and give recommendations regarding construction issues while clients are owners of the building. They choose contractors and consultants to help with the construction. They also ensure that there are enough resources to complete the projects based on the advice of consultants (Oxford Business Group 2007: 110). The construction industry in Oman is highly growing because of the government support. However, the country has a very low labor power. This is because of the low population in the area compared to the number of construction projects. The country only has a population of 2.8 million individuals (Pitcher 2014: 1). The labor issue is especially affecting the private construction firms. Apart from the small

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Business Strategies of Google Inc and Its Effects on the Business Essay - 2

The Business Strategies of Google Inc and Its Effects on the Business and the Industry - Essay Example This paper illustrates that a research study conducted by Morgan Stanley pegs the total number of internet users at about 1.8 billion as of the year 2009. The number is expected to grow by about 13 percent annually on a year on year basis. The report also states that approximately 18.8 thousand minutes was spent on internet browsing by ‘netizens’ across the world. Geographically China followed by USA and India have the largest number of active internet users with the numbers growing geometrically over the years. The analysis of the strategic framework of an organization can be done by using the framework of the Generic model proposed by Michael Porter. The model states that a firm can pursue four strategies that include overall cost leadership, focus, differentiation, and differentiation focus strategies. Depending on the business and the market environment a firm can either chose one strategy or a combination of these strategies. Overall cost leadership strategy involve s a strategic framework in which a business organization lowers its cost of operations and uses the cost benefits to sell products at lower prices than their competitors. Business organizations using a differentiation strategy provide a unique product or service offering that is unmatched by the competitors in the industry segment. Firms using such a strategy normally charge a premium for their uniqueness in the product or service offering and generate their core competence based on their innovations. Focus strategy involves targeting a very core and niche consumer segment and providing services that tend to cater to the very specific needs of the customers.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Henry Hill in Film of Goodfellas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Henry Hill in Film of Goodfellas - Essay Example A crucial example supporting this is the lifestyle that he led, which was full of riches. In addition, he himself claimed that he had always wanted to belong to a gang and it would have been a better achievement than being the President of the United States. In most instances, he had people supporting his actions and encouraging him, which meant that it would not be easy for him to leave the life. In fact, at one time, fully aware of the actions that Hill was involved in, his wife’s mother put up her house as bail so that Hill could leave jail. This is relentless support for crime and heinous actions in the society. This shows a huge difference between the films of the 60s where the gangs had no friends and the family members did not condone their behavior and could even have them arrested. Such actions bring many differences in the films that were produced between the 60s and the 90s. Therefore, Henry Hill is not portrayed as a villain that the audience wanted to see lose but one that was viewed as a hero. In fact, the audience wants them to succeed, when analyzing the storyline critically. Among the motives that prompted him to explore into criminality is money. He always wanted to live a good life and through crime, he managed to make enough to live expensive lifestyles. In addition, he wanted to make a name for himself in a neighborhood that he termed as ‘full of nobodies’. This can be taken to mean that he wanted to enter a social class of the group of people who were rich through the easiest ways available regardless of the morality involved. This depicts a desire for materialism. His main reason was to avoid being poor. This movement into crime seems justified to him because he had very many reasons to justify himself.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Application to Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Application to - Personal Statement Example I attended my high school education at Olympiad Junior high school where my mathematics journey started. During my high school experience, I got the first prize after emerging the winner in the National Mathematics of Olympiad Competition. Since then, I have grown up to realize that mathematics is not only theorems or forums but it has taught me how to think in a logical process. After my high school education, I joined China Agricultural University for a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering in agriculture. It took me two years and two months between May two thousand and eight and July two thousand and ten. In the course of this time, I received a scholarship for an outstanding student. I managed to learn a lot in mathematics during my first two years of study in agricultural engineering. It is the same time I began to learn how to apply mathematics in life. For example, the power of math in solving engineering problems and the basic terminologies, logarithms and theorems he lped in building up my solid foundation. Finance is always my interest, which goes in, the same line with mathematics. For me, finance alongside mathematics is a tool for making money from money. I got this knowledge from my parents who have heavily invested in the stock market. They helped me to invest my pocket money by which I was able to win my first profit at the age of eighteen years. Due to my passion in mathematics, I transferred from China to United States since I wanted to pursue the best educational resource in the world. The other reason why I transferred is that I wanted to major in mathematics, which was not available at China Agricultural University. China and United States experience different climatic conditions and culture. I was able to cope up quickly with the new destination because of my resilience. I have worked in several institutions that deal with computation skills. In Washington DC, I worked with HIS Global

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Our Secret by Susan Griffin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Our Secret by Susan Griffin - Essay Example This helps her to conduct a research in order to find the connections between childhood and human fate. As for me, it is a really important topic because I also feel the influence of parental upbringing during all my life. Practically every day I notice some characteristic in myself that actually belong to my parents. So, the research conducted by Susan Griffin is relevant to the contemporary life and should be applied by educators in order to achieve better results. Each word and phrase in Our Secret and its unusual structure help the writer to prove that people reflect the things they see during their childhood. When Griffin describes one of the characters of the book, she inserts the sentences that seem to have nothing in common with Laura. The text itself starts with a rather strange passage that makes the readers think that it is some article for scientific journal. It is the following phrase: â€Å"the nucleus of the cell derives its name from the Latin nux, meaning nut. Like the stone in the cherry, it is found in the center of the cell, and like this stone, keeps its precious kernel in a shell† (Bartholomae 340). However, a bit later the reader may see that this type of scientific insertions is an integral part of Our Secret. The analysis of scientific data helps Griffin to learn more about the characters and their fate; it becomes the major method of her research that helps to look at life and people from a new perspective. Even the first phrase written by Susan Griffin has deep sense. It helps to demonstrate that human life depends greatly upon parents and the way they educate. Heinrich’s life is the most vivid example of this. In fact, he had no childhood. His father made him older much earlier. So, the boy became an adult when he was only ten years old and had to follow the lifestyle indicated by his father. This seed had a huge impact upon Heinrich during all his life. The things started by father’s upbringing were finished by military service. From very childhood he is taught to establish friendly relations only for benefit and with those who are worth this. When Heinrich enters a new school, his father prepares the list of his would-be classmates. Thus, â€Å"he writes the child’s father’s name, what his father does for a living, and his social position. Heinrich must be careful to choose whom he befriends† (Bartholomae 367). There is one more character in Our Secret who suffered unhappy childhood. It is Leo. This person came under his older brother’s influence and became a killer in some time. This happened because of improper attitude towards his brother. He seemed to be an ideal person for Leo; that is why the latter did everything possible in order to look like him. However, all his attempts became fatal for Leo. It can be easily proved with the help of the following quotation: â€Å"While he was in the campus, he began to worship the uniformed members of the SS and the SA, just as he had loved his brother† (Bartholomae 345). In fact, Leo became one more victim of the wrong seed sowed into a person during the childhood period. To my mind, Griffin does not only describe the lives of several characters in her story. She tries to conduct a research in order to find out the reasons for people’s behavior and miserable life. According to her point of view a lot of things are closely connected with one’s childhood, parental influence, DNA and all the seeds that were put into the person. It is the main reason why the writer uses numerous â€Å"scientific† insertions in her story. They seem to be her own considerations of every character and situation described in the text. They are very important and useful for

Change and Culture - Case Study 2 Research Paper

Change and Culture - Case Study 2 - Research Paper Example The change might be in the process done individually or by team, in which it requires adoption and flexibility to succeed in coping with changes. During 1990s, healthcare organization suffers from abrupt changes which require the role of middle managers in the status of restructuring. The change that the healthcare organization wants to create is the restructuring of the job elements to make the work environment more motivating which is called job redesign. Job redesign is an ongoing process which entirely depends on the cooperation of its workers in delivering for a satisfactory input (Cronshaw & Fine, 2003, p. 320). This is often the move if the organization wants to reduce and cut the cost of work force without affecting the demand of product or services and have the employees give their best (Strong, 2010). This work process is not simple in the healthcare organization and it needs a thorough assessment because if it is not carefully planned it might lead to a decreased clinical quality, reduced patient satisfaction and increased staff turnover (Murphy, 1996, p. 1). So that the high demand of services in the healthcare organization will be met even if there is a reduction in force, the administration will be using the universal worker to alleviate staff shortages. These are healthcare providers that are more flexible in different assignments and will provide better services without facing difficulties. The main thrust of this paper is to present the steps on how job redesign is being done. Healthcare organizations always seek for what will be the best in terms of its patient care delivery (Singleton, 2002, p. 505). The restructuring of quality, cutting of cost, and patient care delivery is dependent on the input of its staff members. Most often, resistance is present in the process especially in changing of roles and relationships. Also, this paper gives emphases on the structures and communications used by Peter Senge in its learning

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The impact of feminism on sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The impact of feminism on sociology - Essay Example The moment the law of lift Is violated we see the immediate effects This is a philosophical position. It seeks equality as it relates to political, legal and economic matters (Blumberg, R. 2001,). There are many more aspects but the main thrust is to achieve equality with the male counterpart. Unemployment has been a factor of society over many years. In the past governments somewhat accepted this. In this way welfare recipients were simply entitled to benefits. Since the 1970s there has been a shift in this approach. People were no longer entitled to the benefits. The shift meant that one had to qualify for the benefits. Qualifying had to do with a market economy component. This meant the introduction of the welfare to work principle (Breitkreuz, R. 2005, June)... Those people on welfare were now structured units to enter the job market. This gave focus to the real societal issues. In most societies, those on welfare women out number the men. A further reality is that most these women are mothers. Feminist studies show that employability has at least two direct challenges. First there is the need to deal with the woman’s emotional need. This need is directly related to the family commitment. In many cases the woman is referred to as the lone mother. This lone mother may be making an income. The reality is that the income is informal. In addition the income is small. The lone mother is now trapped in to maintaining this income stream. This can be seen as a coping mechanism. The second issue is the need for education. In most cases there is a skill deficiency. In other words the lone mother has a work skill. The problem is that the work skill is not in demand by the regular business economy. The two issues must be addressed together. This realization helps the society in general. The fact can be seen if we look log term as opposed to the immediate issue at hand. Helping the lone mother in the welfare to work

Monday, July 22, 2019

Idiom Comparison Essay Example for Free

Idiom Comparison Essay As a foreign student learning English, comparison idioms are really a big problem for me as well as other learners. There are over 3000 idioms in the dictionary, so understanding and memorizing all of them are a hard issue. Some students, even though, live in America or England for such a long time, they are still unable to understand what the native people are saying. In a circle of students, native English speakers speak to other native speakers differently from the foreign students. And the foreign students here is unable to follow what they are saying to each other. More than that, comparison idioms are one of major aspects that can easily discourage a person in conversation with each other if he/she does not know what to imply. If somebody ask me: Is it necessary to study an idiom like â€Å"rain like cats and dogs†? , I will asnwer Yes because idioms are part of daily speech. It makes our utterances smoothly and transmit the information to listeners in a smart way. As a matter of fact, in this essay, we will firstly find a clear view of the definition of idioms and some structures to recognize a comparison idiom, then will be a part related to contrastive analysis; that is similarities and differences between english and Vietnamese comparison idioms; lastly, some problems and solutions of studying idioms may be important to learners. Definition of idioms Definition Idioms have become very popular with the linguistic learners; however; not everyone can find the complete definition for this term. Each professor has his or her own assumption and we, the learners, have to consider much when we want to apply those idioms into study. For example, the Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, idioms were defined as: â€Å"an expression which function as a single unit and whose meaning cannot be worked out from its separate parts. †. Moreover, with the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the writer defines idioms differently: â€Å"a phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit. As we have seen, definition of idioms is quite different between the Longman Dictionary and Oxford one and maybe different from other books as well, but on reflection, they do not have much conflict, all of those share the basic idea: â€Å"they are words, phrases or expressions that cannot be taken literally; when used in everyday language, they have a meaning other than the basic one you would find in the dictionary. †. Learning them make understanding and using a language a lot easier and more fun. Structure used for comparing Although we have worked out some definitions of idioms above, most of learners are still confused with the question: â€Å"How can we identify an idiom of comparison? †. Consequently, identification should be taken into consideration so as to have an insight into different types of idioms of comparison. There are various ways of identifying based on different criteria because the exploration is quite hard and unfeasible. Here are just two main ways that have been considered most: * Identification based on component words or phrases Identification based on grammatical structure By word and phrase With this aspect, idioms of comparison can be divided into three groups: * Comparison with adjectives This kind of comparison can be constructed as the following structure: As + adjective + as + (a/an/the) Noun It is used to describe the similarities between people, things or places. However, in this structure, the similarities are exposed in a clear way, explicitly rather than other s tructure. The meaning as well as the characteristics of the adjectives are conveyed symbolically through some related things in our lives so that people can easily think of when they come across those adjectives. For example: as sharp as razor, as innocent as love, as unchangeable as the past, as jolly as a sandboy. In Vietnamese idioms, typical examples of comparison are: nhat nhu th? d? , den nhu than, d? p nhu tien†¦

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Scope Of The Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay

The Scope Of The Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay The scope of the hospitality industry comprises of a range of businesses that provide services and facilities such as accommodation, food and beverage, entertainment, gaming and related products. The term hospitality has become accepted over the years as a generic word, which describes the well being of services and facilities related to tourists and travellers. The hospitality industry is represented in every country in the world and is diverse and complex. It encompasses a range of free-standing hospitality businesses and is also a component of a wide range of venues whose primary function is not hospitality. The hospitality industry consists of broad category of fields within the service industry that includes lodging, restaurants, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise line, and additional fields within the tourism industry. The hospitality industry is a several billion dollar industry that mostly depends on the availability of leisure time and disposable income. A hospitality unit such as a restaurant, hotel, or even an amusement park consists of multiple groups such as facility maintenance, direct operations (servers, housekeepers, porters, kitchen workers, bartenders, etc.), management, marketing, and human resources. /Sources: hospitality industry Wikipedia The hospitality industry covers a wide range of organizations offering food service and accommodation. The hospitality industry is divided into sectors according to the skill-sets required for the work involved. Sectors include accommodation, food and beverage, meeting and events, gaming, entertainment and recreation, tourism services, and visitor information. Usage rate is an important variable for the hospitality industry. Just as a factory owner would wish to have his or her productive asset in use as much as possible (as opposed to having to pay fixed costs while the factory isnt producing), so do restaurants, hotels, and theme parks seek to maximize the number of customers they process. Gilmarie Salise 1 One of the adherent growing sectors of the economy of our time is the hotel industry. The hotel industry alone is a multi-billion dollar and growing enterprise. It is inspiring, never boring and offer unlimited opportunities. The hotel industry in diverse enough for people to work in different areas of interest and still at work within the hotel industry. Twenty first centurys hotels provide modern precise services to their guests. The customers or guests are always right. This principle necessitated application of management principles in the hotel industry and the hotel professionals realized the instrumentality of marketing principles of managing the hotel industry. The approach of total quality management is found getting and important function in the marketing management of hotels. The emerging positive trend in the tourism industry indicates that hotel industry is like a reservoir where the foreign exchange flows. This naturally draws our attention on Hotel Management. Like other industries, the hotel industry needs to explore avenues for innovation so that a fair blending of core and peripheral service is made possible. It is not to be forgotten that the leading hotel companies of the world have been intensifying research to enrich their peripheral services with the motto of adding additional attractions to their service mix. It is against this background that we find the service mix more flexible in nature. The recruitment and training programmes are required to be developed in the features of the technical sophistication. The leading hotel companies have been found promoting an ongoing training programme so that the personnel come to know about the use of sophisticated communication technologies. General classification of Hotel Industry Classification of Hotels: on the basis of standards Like most of the countries in the world, India could be an example and has also hotels divided in different categories depending on their location, facilities, infrastructures and amenities provided. All the star hotels in India are government approved with continuous control on the quality on the services offered. Five Star Hotels the most luxurious and conveniently hotels in India are grouped under Five Star Deluxe categories. Five Star Hotel in India are globally competitive in the quality of services provided, facilities offered and accommodation option. These are the top of the line hotels located mostly in big cities. These hotels provide all the modern facilities for accommodation and recreation matching international standards in hospitality. In such type of hotel HR department are established separately and to execute and to follow the concept of HR strictly, HR professionals are hired. Four Star Hotels A rung below five star hotels are Four Star Hotels, these hotels provide all modern amenities to the travellers with a limited budget .Quality of services is almost as high as five stars and above categories. These kinds of hotels are there for the travellers with the limited budget or for the places which might not get the tourist traffic associated with larger cities. In such type of hotel concept of HR is more or less followed. Three Star Hotels These are mainly economy class hotels located in the bigger and smaller cities and catering to the needs of budget travellers. Lesser in amenities and facilities, these hotels are value for money and gives good accommodation and related services in the reduced price. In such type of hotel concept of HR may or may not be present. Two Star Hotels This type of hotels are most available in the small cities and in the particular areas of larger cities. Catering for the backpacker tourist traffic, these hotels provide all the basic facilities needed for general accommodation and offer the lowest prices. In this type of hotel concept of HR is absent. Gilmarie Salise 2 One Star Hotels The hotels with most basic facilities, small number of rooms location in the fur-flung areas are grouped under one star hotel category. These hotels are best when customers for looking cheapest available accommodation option. In this type of hotel concept of HR is alien words. Organisational Structure of Hotel Industry Core Operational Department: Food and Beverage (F B) Department F B deals mainly with food and beverage allied activities. Different divisions are there in F B are Restaurants, Speciality Restaurants, Coffee Shop (24hrs), Bar, Banquets, Room Service etc. Apart from that they have Utility services (Cleaning) . Housekeeping Department The housekeeping Department is another important department in hospitality world. Housekeeping is responsible for cleaning the hotels guestrooms and public areas. This department has the largest staff, consisting of an assistant, room inspectors, room attendants, a house person crew, linen room attendants and personnel in charge of employee uniforms. They may have their own laundry and valet equipment may use it only for hotel linens and uniforms and send guest clothing to an outside service where can be handled with specialised equipment. Front Office Department The front office is the command post for the reservations, registering guests, take in charge of guest accounts (cashiering/payment), checking out guests. It is the front desk responsible to allocate their designated rooms, distribute their keys, send mails, emails or other information for guests. It is the also the most visible part of the front office area. Food Production Department Food production department handles with the preparation of food. Basically, it is their responsibility to prepare dishes or menus which are ordered by guest and afterward catered by the F B Department. They can prepare different kind of Cuisine like Chinese, Indian, Thai, Filipino, Western food, Italian and a lot more. Core Functional Departments Marketing and Selling Department Sales and marketing has become one of the most vital functions of the hotel business and integral part of modern of hotel management. It includes packaging of selling, sales promotion,, advertising and public relations. The marketing divisions is charged with the responsibility of keeping the rooms in the hotel occupied at the right price and with the right mix of guests. Gilmarie Salise 3 Safety and Security Department The security of guests, employees, personal property and the hotel itself is an overriding concern for todays hoteliers. In the past, most security precautions concentrated on the prevention on thefts from guests and the hotel. However, today such violent crimes as murder and rape have become a problem for some hotels. Unfortunately, crime rates in most major cities are arising. Hence today security department also concentrate on these additional criminal activities too. Engineering and Maintenance Department This department provides on the day-to-day basis the utility services, electricity, hot water, steams, air conditioning and other services and is responsible for repair and maintenance of the equipment, furniture and fixtures in the hotel. Finance, Accounting and Control Department The finance and accounting department is responsible for keeping track of the many business transactions that occur in the hotel. Accounting department does the bookkeeping regarding financial matters in an appropriate description. Whereby the control department is concern with cost control guidelines by the way reducing in investment, reduction in operating cost, control of food service cost, control of beverage costs, labour cost control, etc. Administration Department This department is responsible for all the work with the administration, personnel, manpower, employees welfare, medical and health security. Scale, scope and diversity in a Hotel Industry The primary purpose of hotels is to provide travellers with shelter, food, refreshment, and similar services and goods, offering on a commercial basis things that are customarily furnished within households but unavailable to people on a journey away from home. Hotel today not only cater to the basic needs of the guest like food and shelter provide much more than that, like personalized services etc. Many more and more people are travelling not only for business reasons but for leisure as well. As a matter of fact, because of the massive increase on tourism economy, tourism continues to grow as political freedom, economic wherewithal and social equality spread across the whole world. There was a growth in international travel and thereby growth in hotel industry. Hotel development also involved diversification of hotel types. Most early hotels had been large urban luxury establishments, but newer variants quickly emerged. Resort hotels, designed to accommodate the rising tide of tourists, were built in panoramic rural landscapes far from the cities. Commercial hotels, more simply furnished and less expensive than the luxury variant, served the growing ranks of travelling salesmen and other commercial workers set in motion by the expanding economy. Railroad hotels were built at regular intervals along track lines to provide passengers and crews with places to eat and rest in the decades before the introduction of sleeping cars. Residential hotels, dedicated to the housing needs of families increasingly unable to afford private houses in expensive urban real estate markets, served as the prototypes for apartment buildings. Gilmarie Salise 4 Scale, scope and diversity in a Restaurant Industry The restaurant industry, on the other hand, covers fine dining specialty restaurants, fast food outlets, canteens, and food courts. Fine dining and specialty restaurants offer a wide variety of international cuisines. The restaurant originated in France dating back to 1765 when one A. Boulanger, a soup vendor, opened an establishment advertising restoratives, or restaurants, referring to the soups and broths available within. The institution took its name from the advertisement, and restaurant now denotes a public eating place in English, French, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Romanian, and many other languages, with some variations. In the Philippines, a new trend in the restaurant industry is rapidly gaining popularity, that is, eat-all-you-can buffets, which are offered at reasonable prices. A number of restaurants offer buffets with no leftovers at 50% off normal buffet prices. /Sources: Based on my own country Philippines, although local entrepreneurs own most fine dining restaurants, an overwhelming number of fast food outlets are American franchises. These outlets, therefore, pose serious competition for local franchises. Particularly since tastes and preferences of consumers tend to favour international, especially, fast foods and restaurants. Finally, product differentiation exists in the industry. Established firms have brand identification and customer loyalties, which stem from past advertising and customer service. In the Philippines, tourism is one of the major industries that the WTTC noted as positioned at the epicentre of global travel and tourism growth and development. In 1997, tourism contributed 8.7% of the countrys GDP, generating 2.3 million jobs (or one in every nine nationwide), and accounting for some 10.5% of Philippine investments. According to the Department of Tourism, international arrivals in 1999 stood at 2.17 million, a slight increase from the previous years total of 2.15 million visitors. Despite the economic crisis suffered by its Asian markets, the Philippines foreign exchange receipts from tourism went up by 5.83% from $2.41 billion in 1998 to $2.55 billion in 1999. Moreover, the Philippines enjoyed the highest repeat visitors in Asia at 54.22 percent, indicating that the tourism sector can survive external threats and competition in the region. As tourism serves as the main market for hotel and restaurant services, increase in visitor traffic over the past ten years resulted in a corresponding boom in the hotel and restaurant industry. During the last decade, the hotel and restaurant industry has flourished even as it struggled to cope with difficult challenges. New hotels mushroomed in the capital while older hotels have done their best to spruce-up both their interiors and upgrade services. Likewise, the growth of the restaurant sub-sector, the number of players and the variety of services offered, has been notable during the period. /Sources: Gilmarie Salise 5 People 1st The Academys role To identify, endorse and promote qualifications and learning opportunities which are delivered to National Skills Academy standards. This delivery may take place in universities, colleges of further education, employer businesses and dedicated hospitality schools. Its role is also to: Focus on the areas related to management and leadership, customer service and craft skills which are central to addressing the industry challenges Innovate and provide franchisable solutions Ensure that funding is available where ever to support excellence in hospitality training. People 1st is the Sector Skills Council for the Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism Sector. The People 1st sector footprint is defined across 14 separate industries: hotels; restaurants; pubs, bars and nightclubs; contract food service providers; hospitality providers; membership clubs; events; gambling; travel services; tourist services; visitor attractions; youth hostels; holiday parks; and self-catering accommodation.  [1]   It is difficult to undertake a statistical analysis of the tourism and hospitality sector as the sector includes a number of different industries as defined by the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes. In the main, statistical analysis is usually concentrated on tourism related industries, the most important of which are hotels and restaurants. Across the UK, People 1st industries generate an annual turnover of  £135 billion and employ 1.9 million in more than 180,000 establishments. According to People 1st, there are 1,585 vacancies in the core hospitality sector, with the largest number of vacancies for kitchen and catering assistants, bar staff, chefs and cooks. Nearly a fifth of hospitality and tourism firms have indicated that they have hard to fill vacancies, and 48% of the unfilled vacancies are attributed to a failure to find individuals with the appropriate skills. A third of employers have reported skills gaps. British Hospitality Management The British Hospitality Association has been representing the hotel, restaurant and catering industry for 100 years. The Association exists to ensure that the views of the British hospitality industry are represented in a forceful, coherent and co-ordinated way to government and policy makers in the UK and internationally, in order that its members businesses can flourish. The British Hospitality Association (BHA) was established in 1907 as the Incorporated Hotel Keepers Association. In 1910 it merged with a new and entirely separate organisation called Incorporated Association of Hotels and Restaurants, taking on the latters name. In 1926 it became the Hotel and Restaurant Association of Great Britain, then the British Hotels and Restaurants Association in 1948 and the (ungrammatical) British Hotels, Restaurants and Caterers Association after the merger with Caterers Association of Great Britain in 1971. It was re-named British Hospitality Association in 1992. Along the way, it lost some of its restaurant members when they broke away to form the Restaurant Association of Great Britain in 1967. Supported by some of the industrys top independent restaurateurs, such as Prue Leith and Robert Carrier, the RAGB later The Restaurant Association fought exclusively for the interests of restaurants but the cost of such activity and the need to present a united front to government encouraged the merger with the BHA in 2003. The Restaurant Association retains its own identity as a trading division of the BHA. For a more detailed history, please read the official centenary booklet Hospitality: A Portrait. The British Hospitality Association 1907 2007 which gives a fascinating insight into the UK hospitality industry over the course of the past one hundred years. /Sources: Google Assessment: The People 1st focuses on the sector skills council for the hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism sector. The tourism and hospitality sector includes a massive number of different industries as defined by the Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC). The statistical analysis mostly concentrated on the hotels and restaurants industries. This association interact significantly on management and leadership, customer skills, job vacancies, innovate and franchisable solutions, and to make assurance that funding is available. Whereas, British Hospitality Management is an association that represents hotel, restaurants and catering industry. British Hospitality Industry are represented by this association to have a forceful, comprehensible, and combined way to UKs government policy makers and internationally, in order that it members businesses can prosper. Gilmarie Salise 7 These two different groups of professional bodies in the field of hospitality services are very important in order to have an organise and fruitful result in building businesses either on a hotel, restaurants, catering etc. The most significant aspect for any associations in hospitality industry is to work together and help with each other, exchanging ideas to give a most fascinating insight into UK industry and worldwide. Organisational Structure/Chart of Hotel Industry Organisational Structure of Hotel Industry Core Operational Department: Food and Beverage (F B) Department F B deals mainly with food and beverage allied activities. Different divisions are there in F B are Restaurants, Speciality Restaurants, Coffee Shop (24hrs), Bar, Banquets, Room Service etc. Apart from that they have Utility services (Cleaning) . Housekeeping Department The housekeeping Department is another important department in hospitality world. Housekeeping is responsible for cleaning the hotels guestrooms and public areas. This department has the largest staff, consisting of an assistant, room inspectors, room attendants, a house person crew, linen room attendants and personnel in charge of employee uniforms. They may have their own laundry and valet equipment may use it only for hotel linens and uniforms and send guest clothing to an outside service where can be handled with specialised equipment. Front Office Department The front office is the command post for the reservations, registering guests, take in charge of guest accounts (cashiering/payment), checking out guests. It is the front desk responsible to allocate their designated rooms, distribute their keys, send mails, emails or other information for guests. It is the also the most visible part of the front office area. Gilmarie Salise 8 Food Production Department Food production department handles with the preparation of food. Basically, it is their responsibility to prepare dishes or menus which are ordered by guest and afterward catered by the F B Department. They can prepare different kind of Cuisine like Chinese, Indian, Thai, Filipino, Western food, Italian and a lot more. Core Functional Departments Marketing and Selling Department Sales and marketing has become one of the most vital functions of the hotel business and integral part of modern of hotel management. It includes packaging of selling, sales promotion,, advertising and public relations. The marketing divisions is charged with the responsibility of keeping the rooms in the hotel occupied at the right price and with the right mix of guests. Safety and Security Department The security of guests, employees, personal property and the hotel itself is an overriding concern for todays hoteliers. In the past, most security precautions concentrated on the prevention on thefts from guests and the hotel. However, today such violent crimes as murder and rape have become a problem for some hotels. Unfortunately, crime rates in most major cities are arising. Hence today security department also concentrate on these additional criminal activities too. Engineering and Maintenance Department This department provides on the day-to-day basis the utility services, electricity, hot water, steams, air conditioning and other services and is responsible for repair and maintenance of the equipment, furniture and fixtures in the hotel. Finance, Accounting and Control Department The finance and accounting department is responsible for keeping track of the many business transactions that occur in the hotel. Accounting department does the bookkeeping regarding financial matters in an appropriate description. Whereby the control department is concern with cost control guidelines by the way reducing in investment, reduction in operating cost, control of food service cost, control of beverage costs, labour cost control, etc. Administration Department This department is responsible for all the work with the administration, personnel, manpower, employees welfare, medical and health security. Gilmarie Salise 9 Organisational Structure/Chart of a Restaurant Industry Organisational Structure of Restaurant Industry Chief Executive Director (CEO) is in charge of making all final decisions, concerning the hotels, running meetings and presentations, launching new hotels, and making the final decisions of the operation managers for individuals hotels. Operations Manager also known as operation directors oversee all other manager and report to the owners directly. It is the responsible of the restaurant operation manager to handle various aspects of the restaurants operation. They deal directly with customers and employees and are responsible for a diversity of duties that include financial record keeping and hiring, handling and firing employees. The duties and responsibilities of an operation manager is to generally managing the facility in which all the materials to be use in food preparation are being organised, serving and working properly and so with the employee resources as well. Store Manager a store manager could also be called as store general manager in which they usually at least one assistant manager working for them as well as various department managers and hourly employees. Store manager is responsible to communicate in some area managers department and get their assistance in improving store operation such as service in cleanliness. Kitchen Manager is responsible of overseeing the entire operation of the kitchen. The duties and responsibilities of a kitchen manager include supervising kitchen staff and make sure they are performing their duties very well. The kitchen manager must also make sure that the kitchen area meets health and safety requirements as well as food preparation. To ensure that all food is properly prepared and meet the standards set by the restaurant. Schedule Manager To avoid confusion in creating schedule for multiple employees, the schedule manager must be organised and it is advisable and very helpful to use a typical spreadsheet to easily simplify their work and spend less time in scheduling people and more time managing. Maintenance Manager a maintenance manager or facility manager is responsible for creating and maintaining all preventive maintenance programs to help keeps the restaurant running smoothly, such as maintaining kitchen equipment, lighting, point of sale system and the physical structure. Service Supervisor Beverage Manager it is the responsibility of the beverage manager to order, stocking, and managing all alcoholic beverages in the restaurant. In fact, this kind of position must have knowledge in different brands/kind of liquors and wines and can intelligibly explain and recommend selections to customers. Main Chefs The main duty of a chef is to prepare meals for guests according to the restaurant menu. Chefs are required to create recipes that are unique from other restaurants. Chefs should generally follow a specific recipe for each menu item; they should prepare to customise the dish to the guests requests. More duties include preparing daily menu, ordering supplies, and supervising kitchen staff. Gilmarie Salise 10 Dishwashers Most of the restaurants uses a machine dishwasher to store all the messed dishes, cups, glasses, cutleries, casseroles, etc. and be washed at one at a time. While small restaurants/business hire a dishwasher to wash manually all the dishes. Service Crews a service crew is a group of co-workers that labour as a team to complete tasks of an employer. Waiters and waitresses are also called as service crews. However, service crews are not only working in a fast food but they are also working in a banquet and convention services, military, transportation, installation, and maintenance situations. Gilmarie Salise 11 RESTAURANTS Operational: Food Safety Food safety refers to all those hazards, whether chronic or acute, that may make food injurious to the health of the consumer. Food safety is and remains a top ten concern for food manufacturers and other food businesses. But a series of major food poisoning outbreaks and contamination incidents is happened in different ways and in several times. In US, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was created to protect health by assuring the safety and security of the nations food supply, among many other things. All food facilities including restaurants must be registered with the FDA and must also give advance notice to the FDA on shipments of imported goods. Based on my own experience, I worked in a Chinese restaurant and this restaurant also offers take away either in delivery or collection. In every  £14 or more purchase it will be delivered for free. I had observed that not all days the restaurant is busy. As a matter of fact, most of the orders are takeaway. The restaurant seems busy only during weekends like Friday and Saturday. In fact, many are also ordering by phone and be delivered. The company must ensure to pass the health and safety regulations including SODEXHO training in which certificates will be given like Food and Hygiene Certificate. All employees must be aware on their own health concern that they are well-fitted enough to work in these kind of industry especially working in a restaurant. For those very sick people like Tuberculosis, they are not allowed or be part of these industry. Moreover, all utensils must be washed properly and make sure that is also being sterilised to ensure health and safety. Global sales of food additives were estimated at well in excess of USD25bn in value terms in 2007. Although the market is dominated by sectors such as flavours and hydrocolloids, recent growth has been most impressive in those additives most relevant to the prevailing trend towards lower-fat foods. In contrast, some sectors have been adversely affected by the effects of rising low-cost Chinese production, which has driven down market value in some instances. The Food Additives Market Global Trends Developments is a publication from Leatherhead Food International (now Leatherhead Food Research), which updates the previous edition published in 2005. The report identifies the major market forces influencing the global additives market, and presents a detailed analysis of trends in the market for 13 different additive categories. In addition to information on applications, market sizes and trends, and the leading companies in the industry, the report also discusses finished food trends impacting on additives and assesses future prospects for the industry. Managerial: Security Security in enterprise computing system is not simply a matter of technology and cannot be addressed satisfactorily with hardware and software alone. It also a matter of managing people, establishing and enforcing strong (right and clear) policies, implementing procedures and strengthen security, and periodically checking the effectiveness of the security architecture and making necessary changes. To become a successful security manager, he or she must constantly educate himself or herself and his or her staff. Basically, when we talk about security it is generalised. Not only on computer or system security but accordingly on engineering, security on policies and regulations, security of the place and overall security. Authentication mechanisms are used to identify the identity of subject and thus ensu

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Burger Kings Diverse Culture Of Employees Commerce Essay

Burger Kings Diverse Culture Of Employees Commerce Essay I have chosen this business as a report. Moreover the main thing to choose this is that I am also working there from last 8 month ago. So thats why these area very well. It is also provide lots of education skills which are useful in my study. So in this is a good ideal business to do the report writing. I like to do work there. Different types of culture people working in burger king so I learn lots of things in store. Firstly we learn how to communicate with others whoever they are customers or staff. If we b honest or in patience then we will success in future. It provides verity of food to people of their taste. Like in burger king we can get also vegetable burger which is most like Indians. McDonald and others do not provide vegetables burgers. So this why I like this is well. People also get cheaper food in burger king as compare to others. Its start just burger from $2.50. Which is cheaper than others and lots of enjoy this. It is provide play grounds for children where child plays and enjoy their meals. INTRODUCTION: Burger King, is known as  BK .It is a industry of fast food   restaurants. The company began in 1953 as Insta-Burger King, After Insta-Burger King ran into financial difficulties in 1955, its two Miami-based franchisees,  David Edgerton  and  James McLamore, purchased the company and renamed it Burger King. Over the next half century the company would change hands four times, with its third set of owners, a partnership of  TPG Capital,  Bain Capital, and  Goldman Sachs Capital Partners, taking it public in 2002. Main features of burger king Chicken burgers Beef burgers Chicken salad Kids meals Onion rings Desserts Services: Drive thru Lobby Take away Play ground Dining outside History of burger king The burger found in 1953. After purchase the civil civil liberties to two pieces of tools called Insta technology, the two opened their first stores around a cooking device known as the Insta-Broiler. The Insta-Broiler oven proved so successful at cooking burgers, they required all of their franchises to carry the device.  Ã‚  The firms strategy for turning the chain around incorporated a new advertising agency and new ad campaigns, a revamp menu strategy. This franchise also open their web site .which is also beneficial for the people to update their meals. Communication in burger king In burger king employees does their work as a group and in every shifts there is shift manager in store to look after all the staff. More over for takes order on drive thru there are head set to listen the orders of customer and gives them response. When the company launches any new meal then they provide posters to all stores and from store managers put that on wall or on glass in lobby to see the special offers .they also put new meals poster on drive thru menu. Service I think burger king provides good service than others because on drive thru they have to give meals in 45 second after takes money. If they does not gives the orders then according to rules they have to give free big burger to customer. Furthermore they provide some specials meals such as just few months ago they provide 5 dollars meal. In that meal they gives 1 beef burger.1 desert.1 fries and1 drink. Findings 1.1Organizational culture Cultures plays very vital role in the organization. No doubt it is multicultural organization. As I have seen in burger king different employees works from different cultures. It also helps to communicate, as in new Zealand employees from different part of world comes and works in burger king .more over burger king also teach their employees about their social and professional ethics . Like in burger king each crew member communicate with the manager and by this he affected by this. Organizational explain how an organization intends to go about achieving its mission. Company must identify its mission as increasing market share and making a profit. Goals of burger king World largest quick restaurant Company makes different commitments for the for safety Sales increase threw the promotions 1.2 Business demographics Training period teach more everyone in burger king. Seniors always shared their knowledge with juniors, which is very helpful for juniors. It gives experience to the new crews. When the any person starts work then have little bit nervous. Manager should conclude that so they work in simple mode. Any business can run when it is well prepared like burger king. Because burger king has own rules which every one of staff are follows. Training period teach more everyone in burger king Senior always shared their knowledge with the junior worker .it gives lots of experience to the new worker. Manager depends upon the capacity and how much busy of it. Manager is that person who teaches next lesson to the crew members. 1.2.1 Crew Trainer Crew trainer is person who trains the crew member and gives his experience and basic knowledge of workplace to the crew person. So trainer gives the basic knowledge like how to make burgers, how to clean workplace etc. crew trainer need to give good skills of their workers so they learn good in begging. 1.2.2. Managers The number of managers depends on capacity of burger king as how much busy it is. After passing crew training stage crew become crew trainer and he will be able to give training to other trainees. Therefore training manager is a person who teaches next lesson to crew trainers. He also shares his knowledge and experience with trainees. 1.2.3. Organizations Manager He is the person who has all responsibilities of restaurants like in our group there are five restaurants he is the big boss of all restaurants. He is most experienced person in the restaurant and he had all knowledge about restaurants. He manage all the staff and the store for good work . 1.3 Group dynamics As we know in each and every organization works with the help of groups. it improves the communication skills of employees due to work place. Such as when a crew member takes the orders of customer they must have good English speaking and listening skills. Which impress the customers? 1.4 Meeting management The communication which we use in meetings of organization related to our profession. It is good for us in future. Every Organization plan meeting to do something good for company. So when doing a meeting it is important every member who is attending meetings must follow some rules. Sometime meeting not goes well because of not planned well. So every meeting should have some time, when its necessary. I saw our store manager accent is very different for others and he speaks so fast. Some time we could not understand well what he spoke. It was big communication barrier in the working place. 1.5 Purpose: The purpose of communication should clear for all the meeting attainders. In that we get the knowledge about different skills and good work. Burger king providing good services to their customers and give them happiness. The purpose of communication should clear for all the meeting attended. In that we get the knowledge about different skill and good work. Company use some these methods to be in touch with all type of people like customer, employees, investors, etc. from Australia to all over in new Zealand they follow these methods. 1.6 Networks: The organization is connected with internet for everyone and they use emails, letters, posters and other advertising material to connect with people. The internal network of the organization is connected by LAN, WAN. 1.7 Stakeholders: The basic definition of the stakeholders is any group or individual that can be affecting the organization or affected by the organizational progress. Stakeholder is the person that has any type of interest in an origination by direct or indirect way. The organization should have proper communication with the stakeholders to development of the organization. Stakeholder is that person who takes stake in organization because it can be affected by the organization, action, objectives and policies. Key stakeholders in a business organization include creditors, customers, directors, employees and government etc. 1.8Recommendation: According to me crew members need to get all information about store like which does managers. So with the help of that they would not be getting any confusion. Moreover is also increase their motivation skills and their experience .company need to place rubbish bins outside in parking because lots of people put rubbish in the parking. So maintained person need to do lots of things in morning. Company need to give more chances to their crews and as well as give them chance for promotions. According to me they have to add reward consumer and they should provide specials days like birthday or others days which are necessary in every person life. Interact with stakeholders using appropriate communication channels. If they have a preference for email, use email to contact them. If the goal is to change behavior two ways communication may be required, such as in person or telephone contact with stakeholders.

Free Trade Essays -- Economy, Developing Countries

What is free trade? Many American’s have a broad and sometimes-false idea of what free trade actually is. Free trade â€Å"refers to the economic philosophy and practice of reducing barriers such as tariffs, taxes, subsidies and quotas so that raw materials, goods and services can move unhampered across national borders.† (68) Various options have arisen about whether or not free trade benefits developing counties or not. I believe that free trade is not favorable or helpful towards developing counties. Free trade benefits few but not the masses, is in favor of rich companies with large corporations, means a loss of power and political control on a national, regional and local levels of government, as well as allows for child labor and there for loses out economically. Many people here in the United States are not well informed about Free Trade or its drawbacks. By giving people the information and steering them toward a better form of trade such as Fair Trade we could possible help those other counties that are dealing with the effects of free trade. When dealing with free trade the commercial benefits are hard to miss, more choices on cars and products, lower coasts on goods so consumers can by more products and live the good life. (p.68) However, digging deep in to the effects of free trade shows us that that it benefits few but not the masses. For example, the US will benefit from cheap labor and low tariff cost, paying less for more but the workers in the countries where the product is being manufactured will not benefit and neither will the country. (p. 71) By having cheap labor those people cannot afford to buy luxury items or even basic items, which in turn will affect that counties economy. By having youth workers not in sc... ...or those who did have jobs. (p. 95) This is an example of how free trade can be harmful to developing countries. When consumers lose jobs they can no long afford to pay for not just luxury items but basic living expenses that other industry are selling which sends a county into economic tailspin. I propose that rich nations should be more morally accountable for manufacturing companies they have around the world. Places like Wal-Mart and the gap here in the US should be paying workers fair wages, have decent working hours, no children worker under 16, and safe working conditions. U.S companies should follow the laws we have in our own country and abide by them in others. I believe that the government should reward socially responsible companies at first and then create laws here stating that when having companies abroad you must follow the laws we have here.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Jim Henson: The Mind Behind the Muppets :: Puppetry The Muppets Jim Henson Essays

Jim Henson: The Mind Behind the Muppets "Sure, Jim the creator was a genius. Yet I see Jim foremost as an appreciator. He appreciated the Muppet family and his own family. He appreciated flying kites with his children. He appreciated beauty and he appreciated fun." -Frank Oz (Readers Digest, 126) There is no doubt in Frank Oz's mind that Jim Henson was a creative genius. According to the model of creativity proposed by Howard Gardner, Henson can be considered creative in five of the seven intelligences: interpersonal, spatial, music, verbal, kinesthetic. He became a master at combining these intelligences to create Muppet productions full of wit, music, sight gags, bright colors, and meaningful messages. He also had the ability to coordinate all of the people who worked with him. Before, discussing how Henson's life fits into Gardner's model, I will present some influential events in Henson's life and his major creative works. James Maury Henson was born September 2, 1936 in Leland, Mississippi as the second son in the Henson family. During his childhood, Jim's maternal grandmother, a prolific painter and master of needlework, encouraged Henson to appreciate imagination, visual imagery, and creativity. She was a steady emotional support for him, constantly listening to his adventures and dreams. When Jim was fourteen, his parents finally acquiesced and bought a television set, after years of badgering from Jim. He always knew that he wanted to work in television; watching Burr Tillstrom, Bil Baird, Ernie Kovac, Spike Jones, and Walt Kelly influenced him greatly during his adolescence. In 1954, while Jim was still in high school, he began working for WTOP television station doing puppet performances on the "Junior Good Morning Show". "It was interesting and kind of fun to do -- but I wasn't really interested in puppetry then. It was just a means to an end," Henson later recalled about his first job (Finch, 9). At the University of Maryland, he studied art and continued doing puppetry for TV with a fellow student, Jane Nebel, whom he later married. Their show, "Sam and Friends", debuted as a five minute piece aired twice a day, right before the Huntley-Brinkley Report and the Tonight Show. Jane recollected, "We were just college students amusing ourselves, and we did all these wild things with puppets...I guess it had a quality of abandon and nonsense and of being somewhat experimental." (Finch, 15) Their show became very popular, partly because of its widely-viewed time slots, and it won a local Emmy in 1958.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Research on Legalizing Marijuana Essay

Legalizing Marijuana has been a controversial and extremely volatile topic ever since the 1970’s. Many people hold strong beliefs regarding this topic and the subsequent laws that have been passed in certain states for the use of the recreational drug. However, marijuana is not just a recreational drug, but has many different wonderful medical purposes for the American people. Marijuana should be legalized for recreational and medical purposes throughout this country. This â€Å"drug† should be legalized throughout this country because unlike many of the legal substances that the United States provides, no one has died or been hospitalized for the use of marijuana. Additionally, marijuana would be an amazing product that the government can have their hands on, and provide it to the people all while taxing and regulating its product. This would have multiple benefits throughout every major city, depleting the use of illegal drug cartel and being able to extract millions, maybe even trillions amount of dollars in tax revenue. Finally, one of my concluding reasons as to why marijuana should be legalized is because marijuana, unlike all the legal substances, is not a gateway drug and according to many studies â€Å"A small minority of Americans- less than 1 percent- smoke marijuana on a daily basis† (CQ researcher 531). Those who are opposing this highly beneficial and amazing drug that could help potentially save lives, hide behind their numerous walls of misconception. A famous quote once said by Bob Marley says â€Å"herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction.† This quote, I believe, was said to the nation of the United States indirectly. The damages that alcohol can do to ones body is much worse than of that of marijuana, and yet it is still legal. Whereas marijuana is illegal in most states and has more medical uses and benefits. â€Å"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than 37,000 an-nual U.S. deaths, including more than 1,400 in Colorado, are attributed to alcohol use alone (i.e. this figure does not include accidental deaths). On the other hand, the CDC does not even have a category for deaths caused by the use of marijuana† (Saferchoice 1). Just because marijuana has been referred to as a drug many perceive it as being the type of drug where it controls the household, or breaks up the family, ruining the lives of the ones who used it. However I believe that this â€Å"drug† needs to be reevaluated for the good of humanity. â€Å"If people are truly growing it for personal consumption, its not an issue with us†(CQ Researcher 527) said Marc Alcantara and his 22 officer unit focus on commercial marijuana growing. Officers of the San Mateo County Narcotics Task Force has his priorities straight when it comes to marijuana, but he is not talking about your â€Å"backyard smokers.† Marc is talking about the indoor growing operations that have skyrocketed in the last 5 years over 265 percent. â€Å"Indoor growing operations are capable of turning out three crops a year, typically grossing $250,000 per crop.†( CQ Researcher 527) With marijuana already a lucrative California crop, Alcantara believes that we should go completely legal in the state of California, and legalize the entire cannabis industry and tax the product. Of course, Alcantara is not the only person who gets a say in this, as Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger thinks that it is not a time where we can just legalize something as powerful as this, but its defiantly time to talk about it. Unfortunately â€Å"right now is a hard time to convince the U.S. Congress that smoking weed is medicine† (CQ Researcher 527). The big question as to why marijuana hasn’t been legalized yet is out on the table. People have been talking about this proposition for the last five to six years. Evaluating marijuana as a revenue source requires solid estimates of the size of marijuana crops, and the figures vary widely. A nationwide cannabis crop estimate of 10 million metric tons- worth 35.8 billion- was what  was recorded by the White House drug- policy office in 2003. But some dismiss this fact because individuals believe that the United States would need somewhere between â€Å"†¦ 4 to 10 times more cannabis than it needs to cover domestic consumption.†(CQ Researcher 530) Even with a high demand of consumptions the United States government would be able to regulate and tax the marijuana accordingly to help stimulate the economy. â€Å"If you made it licit, and taxed it, the price would collapse.† (CQ Researcher 530) Stating that it would be harder to sell on the streets making the product more of a pharmaceutical drug instead of a street drug. In 2005 cigarette smoking had declined drastically, â€Å"†¦378 billion cigarettes sold in the United States was the lowest number since 1951, when the nations population was about half its present size.†(CQ Researcher 530) Marijuana was not only more safe than the effects and harm of alcohol but also it is more safe than the effect of tobacco as well. Although marijuana has its perks, it is still a drug and can very well have its down sides. â€Å"Long term marijuana use can be addictive for some people† (CQ Researcher 531). For those people who smoke marijuana 27 out of 30 days, critical skills related to attention, memory, and learning were significantly impaired, even after they had not used the drug for at least 24 hours. But although these side effects will happen, they will however not kill you, unlike the effects of alcohol and tobacco. Also with the effects of marijuana in early adolescents, can increase the likelihood of drug problems later in life. Legalizing marijuana would not only help the individuals who could use the powerful effects of it, it could also make room in our jails and make it easier on our police officers out on the streets. No more will an officer have to make a report for someone who was casually smoking a joint on the park bench. â€Å"The budget issue is very important, but we should not loose sight  of the moral component- 700,000 Americans are being arrested every year for nothing more than a marijuana possession. Those arrested are separated from their loved ones, branded criminals, denied jobs and in many cases prohibited from accessing public assistance for life.† (CQ Researcher 533) Marijuana is used in our lives for entertainment purposes, for recreational purposes, and most of all health purposes. A recent Washington Post review of a concert by The Dead (formerly the Grateful Dead) described seeing in the audience a â€Å"50-something with a tucked in polo button down shirt, and a blackberry holster at the hip slyly taking a hit of a joint.† (CQ Researcher 532) This individual wasn’t trying to hurt anyone, nor was he trying to bother anyone, but because the substance he was smoking was illegal he was targeted. This man in any other setting wouldn’t be looked at as a criminal but instead he is now getting a ticket and a humiliating felony on his recored, that could potentially ruin his life. Marijuana has been a topic of discussion for the last decade. Whether to legalize it, or keep it a street drug. Some say that legalizing it will only make it worse for the environment, making it everywhere around us, and having the whole world high. Others say that legalizing it will help, not only the economy, but the people living in the United States tremendously. Some say that keeping it illegal is better, but then complain about how bad the economy is, while others say that keeping it illegal will only hurt us in the long run. Whichever side your on, make sure you have evidence that supports your reasoning. There are so many different opinions to this matter and I feel that in the sooner years it will should be legal. My thoughts I felt as if this article not only brought both elements to the table but  also gave me different ways to look at the certain situation. This article was both inspiring and reasonable. It showed me that there are certain reasons as to why this product isn’t quite legal on the street just yet. This article gave me facts that I had no idea about and I really liked how it didn’t side with one specific side. Having both sides of the argument in this topic showed me a new light towards why not legalize it. There are many reasons as to why you shouldn’t legalize it, but not too many for the side of why too legalize it. I found a lot of great and intellectual information in this article that I would love to use in my life, and found a few new ways to think of things towards this situation. I enjoyed reading this article a lot and actually look forward in reading some more in my future.

Process Of Training and Development Company Essay

The didactics surgical operation is to provide the sum to enable admit. Which should try to guide in counterfeitation companionships into positive and beneficial and complement and honour them with political programned activities for individuals at completely trails of the family to acquire knowledge more rapidly and develop those attitudes and skills that benefit themselves themselves and the bon ton. The grooming tags a programmed age of events that asshole be convey as a constant process whose cycle is re naked as a jaybirded separately term it is repeated. The steps of the preparation process ar a model of open governing body whose comp unrivallednts argon Inputs (Inputs) -. Individuals in fosterage, business resources, information, skills, etc.. process or operation -. Individual nurture process, learning program, etc.. Outputs (Outputs) -. Enabled Personal, geo rational formational effectiveness or success, etc.. Feedback (feedback) -. valuati on of procedures and preparation results through with(predicate) unaffixed fill or placementatic research. home belong Process is a cyclic and ceaseless process consisting of four stages. 1) Diagnosis line of proposeing ask to be met. These desires can be past, present or future. 2) Design phylogenesis of a nurture program to meet the adopts diagnosed. 3) execution implementation and conduct of the training program. 4) Evaluation verification of training results.1. Diagnosis of training necessitate and training.Means needs perspicacity process by which it is to coordinate the structuring, development of forges and different programs to use to establish and gird equally the knowledge and skills of the members of a organization, this is through with the sole purpose of completing the objectives it has bent grass the organization. At the time of the preparation of a report diagnosing training needs, it is requirement to consider why the person or group that entrus t train and particularly when this training was made. As a briny rule a diagnosis of training needs is accomplished when the following cases pass Problems that occur within the organization. Deviations in productivity. Changes in regards to culture, politics, methods and techniques. Lower or promotion of staff. Changes of tasks or jobs and / or charges.Three. Announcements Press on training and training.4 Designing training plan and trainingThe training is vocational tuition that fits man for a position or function within an organization. And the training is an educational process of strategic organized and apply systemically, through which volume acquire or develop specific knowledge and skills link up to work. The training follows the following objectives Analyze and consume up problems Work productively in teams schedule from post to postDevelop a training program or line of business involves the generation of documents and materials that go forth be use in the feed for trainers and participants during the get over saving in accordance with the design. To proceed with the restructuring plan and training programs depends on the ability of the organization to secern training needs. The design of the training should focus on four issues 1) intruccionales Objectives suck the skills or knowledge to be acquired and the attitudes will heighten. 2) Provision of trained and motivation Participants moldiness(prenominal)iness recognize the need to acquire impertinent knowledge or skills, keeping the craving to learn. 3) Principles of learning be the characteristics of training programs that function employees understand the recent material to apply. 4) Characteristics of Instructors didactics Skills and responsibility to lead. After employees extradite perfect their training programs should evaluate the program to know if the objective was met, seeking to develop skills in people to be more productive, yeasty and innovative, they can be tter contrisolelye to organisational objectives and be increasingly valuable.That is why we be flavour to achieve the objectives of a training plan, and among them this Productivity The training helps employees to increase their might and performance. Quality The plans properly designed and use training contribute to raising the character of the production workforce. When workers argon better aw are about the duties and responsibilities. Health and Safety amiable health and physical safety of an employee are directly related to thetraining efforts of an organization. straight-laced training can help oppose accidents. Prevention of Obsolescence The employee training efforts are require to keep them updated on progress in their respective fields laborares. Personal information On a face-to-face level employees benefit from training plans, because they offer a wide range of knowledge, a greater sense of competence, a larger repertoire of skills, which are indicators of ain development. education is therefore an investment for an organization. As the results obtained it benefit non only the employee, but to a fault contributes to the effect of business objectives. This work allows for recognizing and future requirements, ensuring the comp each supplying qualified employees and the development of tender-hearted resources available where the training plan plays a very substantial role in the development of human resources of an organization role, as its correct application becomes a means of motivation and encouragement to employees, which ultimately ends up benefiting the organization. May. What is E-Learning?E-learning comes from the words Electronic Learning, which describes the use of engineering science and multimedia system to a faultls in a learning process that leads to student retention and engrossment of the limits hereof. It is a new form of education and training that offs place through communication networks such as mesh ing or Intranet. The Internet technology via a Learning Manager Software enables entranceway to structured and organized a personal training plan, no curfew, breaking any physical or geographical barriers that exist. Self-taught or under accompanied by a tutor, the student manages time to devote to train check to their occupations and schedule. The E-learning presents umteen benefits as1. Removing barriers of time, distance, sparing and social, individuals can take control of their ingest educational life. Two.s Skills and knowledge have to be updated constantly. March. New technologies, along with e-learning, will help companies of all sizes, and countries to adapt to the demands of the new economy. April. Unifying all concepts in electronic versions, the employee can get the information you need when you need it, through a system that tracks the progress of each of the individuals, tailored to their let possibilities.May. Content developers, experts and the community of peop le looking to learn, are interconnected. 6. Whoever receives education can pattern their skills individually or through virtual(prenominal) teams around specific areas of interest. . 7 E-learning hit the sacks superscript learning at reduced cost greater access to learning and a method of measuring clear to all participants in the process. 8. In todays culture marching at a rapid pace, organizations that implement e-learning processes will deliver your workforce the ability to turn change into a competitive advantage.While e-learning has many advantages, it excessively has its drawbacks. E-learning lots encounter shield from several(prenominal) companies and employees reluctant to use a new learning method that is unacquainted with(predicate) to them. The student, the company and the trainer The following duck lists the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning from the point of view of its three protagonists are listed. For the studentadvantagesDisadvantagesThe student i s the protagonist of your e-learning course of computing device tools Apprehension, reluctance to use new technologies Interactivity and attractiveness of e-learning content management indecorum by non having a work program tax Flexibility and adaptability to their handiness (time, location) Management motivation and affair in the course of e-learning, concentration effort Training at their own pace, regardless of the an another(prenominal)(prenominal) students not direct contact with forming plenty (unless the training is mixed) Self-evaluation during and at the end of the coursePersonal Tracking progress in the course and balance of results obtained by tracking (tracking) For the companyadvantagesDisadvantagesMassive Training (unlimited calculate of students) Companies often poorly informed and bring outed fly-by-night as to new technologies relates Savings in indirect costs related to classroom courses (travel, accommodation, etc.). Has no control over the motivation, participation and management of the course students Flexibility and adaptability according to availability ofstudents (time, place) Investment in computer hardware and software Ability to custom- befuddle and adjust the courses according to pre-defined competencies and educational objectives is often difficult to define the content of e-learning courses to highly specialized materials (check) Less logistical constraints (no need to book a classroom or displace employees or find accommodation, etc.) take for of changes in service training spotless reporting and analysis of the courses thanks to the change tracking results Materials perennial training and updatable For the traineradvantagesPrerequisites to assess the level of students No direct contact with the student is established (unless the training is mixed) Interactive and engaging training tools for him and the students give the axe being the wise to become the attraction Flexibility and adaptability to availability (tim e, place) Passing a basically oral communication other written Tracking students from the platform (tracking)To ensue in e-learning is needed that the contents are Update -.s A logical feature, but that does not al ways happen. The stratum of obsolescence varies greatly depending on the subject but it is a factor to consider. The dogma sequence Adaptable/adaptado.- or training routes should not be the same for all students, must adapt to the answers and skills of each. Thus a combat-ready and interactive learning is achieved, and not muted or frustrating students. Attractive -. The content must call the students attention, find it appealing. It is primary(prenominal) to capture that first of all attention, to adopt you feel motivated. Chart -. The bar of textbook should be as piteous as possible, and you need to use the potential of technologies like Flash to animate processes, demonstrations, relationships, etc.. multimedia system -.s Important to use multimedia technology, rationally combining text, photos, audio and text with photos, videos and text, etc.. Direct -. The language used in this medium must be as clear and direct as possible, the displayed reading material is difficult and therefore we must set an effort of synthesis to the design of an online content. wicked -. Theold saying the rod and boast has ceased to have effect.The playful position, the game is one of the most effective teaching strategies, and this aspect must be encouraged end-to-end the training material. Must have continuous Prctico/Interactivo.- practices or examples or references to globe situations and continuous interactive exercises. The student must be an active subject, to interact with objects on screen, which is not a mere looker or listener. Teaching resources. In an online content can use different teaching resources, expository texts, diagrams, animations, illustrations, concept maps, glossary words, footnotes, download files, web links, et c.. Evaluative -. The student needs to know the result achieved, progress in learning, so the test or self-assessed exercises, viewing the results and an explanation of Error automatically display are needed. Self Contained. If the support of a teacher is minimal or obligation is vital that the content itself incorporates the means for students to learn the interface and solve the doubts that arise. Full -. A content can not cover all aspects of a particular subject. at that place is a process of choosing what is important, adequate, relevant.6. Coanching What is and Mentoring?Mentoring is the process by which a person with more experience teaches, advises, advocate and assistance in personal and professional development of other invest time, energy and knowledge. It is a process not only applies to new employees but is curiously effective for workers that can be chartered and promoted in the near future. The mentoring arises because companies need professionals who can d eal with change initiative and creativity. It is also important to manage teams, motivate them and make them leaders, since in competitive environment people with leadership skills are essential in business. You need to optimize resources and maximize the genius of the staff. Types Mentorig Situational Mentoring is when the pupil provides a report and mentor comes to her aid, careful not to intervene too much. Formal Mentoring in this case antecedently formulated goals to measure subsequently feature in this type of mentoring 3 figures that are the mentor, mentee and the coordinator, the latter makes the program functions to support and manage the conceptionobjectives. Informal Mentoring this applies for short periods, where pupils are conducted by the mentor, and makes them share experiences, skills and competencies. instruct Coaching is the process in which support and guidance to individuals and teams improve and optimize their performance. That brings all the talents of t he person is helped to acquire new skills. get through limitations of the person or group is important in developing.It is a relationship where the coach assists employees in learning new ways of being and doing, new ways of doing tares needs to generate a positive change that improves the productivity of the company. The idea is not to identify and penalize errors or failures, but make others discover their own mistakes. The coach must be based on enquire questions rather than make statements, but it is not only ask questions, but each of these made by the coach has a particular purpose. Tasks based on clear and well-defined goals, even arrive at the specific tasks related to the goals to achieve. Once explained, it is the employee who must take these goals as their own. Coaching is important because it allows employees to adapt to changes effectively and efficiently. Uncover the potential of people, allowing them to achieve the goals that would otherwise be considered unreacha ble, which also predisposes people for collaboration, teamwork and consensus building. Recognition is a mention part in her coachig, meaning take into account and recognize individual contributions and to some extent motivate and reward where it is due. there are 2 types of rewards Social Rewards publication, conciliative hours, scholarships, training, etc. Financial Rewards